The wiring diagram below provides a visual reference for connecting the components. It is not true to scale, it is just meant to be used as reference. This diagrams was created using the Fritzing software package.
Take a moment to review the components in the circuit diagram. This illustration is meant for referencing wired connections - the length of wire, position and size of components are not exact.
The Prop Maker Wing should have male headers soldered onto the underside. The Feather M4 Express should have female headers soldered on. This when everything is done, the Prop Maker Wing will snap onto the Feather M4 Express below it.
We measured and cut wires to have enough slack to reach each component.
We used silicone ribbon wire to make them easier to coil and manage each wire inside the tight spacing. The wire lengths used are listed below:
JST extender for Battery: 54mm
Reset: 45mm
USB Extender: 20mm
LED Strip: 20mm
Slide Switch: 190mm
Button: 7.5mm
Paracord 813mm
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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