This guide will show you how to use a QT Py ESP32-S2 running CircuitPython to control a Pure Data patch over WiFi. Pure Data is an open source programming language that can be used to create musical applications. It's a visual programming language that lets you drag and drop code blocks into the software interface to create the patches.
An ADXL343 accelerometer controls the synthesizer patch's filters. A TSC2007 and resistive touch screen are used to send notes to the synth patch.

What has your favorite Espressif WiFi microcontroller, comes with our favorite connector - the STEMMA QT, a chainable I2C port, and has...
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Is your QT Py all alone, lacking a friend to travel the wide world with? When you were a kid you may have learned...
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Getting touchy performance with your screen's touch screen? Resistive touch screens are incredibly popular as overlays to TFT and LCD displays. Only problem is they require a bunch...
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Want to poke at your projects? This resistive touch screen can be used with a stylus or fingertip and is easy to use with a microcontroller. You can put it over a paper overlay for a...
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Analog Devices has followed up on their popular classic, the ADXL345, with this near-drop-in-replacement, the ADXL343. Like the original, this is a triple-axis accelerometer with...
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Page last edited March 08, 2024
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