You may run into a situation where PowerShell doesn’t list an app matching the name BlinkyHeadless or BlinkyHeaded. In my system, for example, there is no app named BlinkyHeaded. So, we’ll use BlinkyHeaded as an example in this section. Substitute BlinkyHeadless in this section if that’s the one you’re having trouble with.
Here’s where the dense, encoded-looking application names come into play.
When you run BlinkyHeaded from Visual Studio, you’ll see BlinkyHeaded in the list of running apps on the Device Portal Apps page:
You can see BlinkyHeaded in the running apps list, but it doesn’t seem to appear in the list of installed apps. Well, actually, it does appear in the list of installed apps, but the name is encoded. In the picture, look at the “Package Full Name”, all the way to the right of the BlinkyHeaded line. You’ll see that the package full name starts with 692c8bff… . Now look at the list of installed apps. You’ll see that the first app in that list also starts with 692c8bff…. It’s the BlinkyHeaded app in disguise!
Your BlinkyHeaded app will have a different full package name. Use that in PowerShell to set the Headed startup app. I’ll use 692c8bff here – but you should use the first few characters of your Blinky app’s package name
IoTStartup add headed 692c8bff
It’s possible that you wont have this problem on your system. But if you do, you can apply this solution to the problem.
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