The CC3000 WiFi chip has a wide range of applications, and thanks to breakout boards like the Adafruit CC3000 breakout board, it is very easy to interface this chip with open-source platforms like Arduino.
In this guide, we will focus on one of these applications: robotics. We are going to see how to plug the CC3000 WiFi breakout board on a mobile robot to control it remotely from your computer, or from your smartphone or tablet.
This particular type of control uses a seperate server computer that the robot contacts to get "instructions", rather than hosting the server locally. If you'd like to check out an example of how to run a lightweight server on the CC3000+Arduino itself check out the WiFi candy bowl project!
The tutorial will start by introducing the different components that you need to build a robot suitable for this tutorial, and how to plug the WiFi chip to your robot. Then, we'll see how to write the Arduino sketch & the server-side interface.
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