Apple Shortcuts are only available in the latest version of It'saSnap By Adafruit.
ItsASnap includes several actions for the Apple Shortcuts App, allowing you to integrate Adafruit IO functionality. This project focuses on sending specific location data (only sending data when you're at a fixed location, like a park or the train station) from your iPhone to a shared Adafruit IO feed.
This step will demonstrate how to use ItsASnap with Apple Shortcuts to send a value to an Adafruit IO feed when you arrive at a location - in this instance, we'll choose a park.
Create a new Shortcuts Automation
Launch Apple Shortcuts. To create a new automation, go to the automation screen and tap the "+" button.
Here you can select which types of triggers can initiate an action. For now, we'll use "Arrive" to set a location where the action will be triggered.
Select "Arrive" as the trigger for the automation. This trigger requires a specific location to initiate the automation process.
We'll want to track when we're at work. Add the work location (I work for Adafruit so I added the Adafruit HQ) into the location field; it will then be displayed on the map.
Additionally, you can configure the radius of the location to specify where you want the trigger to activate.
Once you're all set - tap Done.
Configure your When action is configured to execute at any time and run immediately. Tap Next.
On the next step, tap New Blank Automation to configure ItsaSnap.
Within the Blank Automation tab, use the search bar to search for ItsaSnap. Then, select the Send Value shortcut.
Once done, you should be able to view the automation.
Add more Shortcuts for Different Locations
While adding one automation for the park is useful - there are other places your friend goes during his day like work, home, and commuting via the NYC Subway.
You can repeat the process above to add more shortcuts for different locations. For each location shortcut you configure, ensure the feed being written to is the location feed.
For this guide, we created the following four automation using the following settings:
- The value home to the location feed when we've arrived home.
- The value work to the location feed when we've arrived at work
- The value commute to the location feed when we've left work.
- The value gym to the location feed when we've arrived at the park to workout.
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