To make our code work, first we need to give our Pico W our WiFi credentials and our personal key to Adafruit IO, Adafruit's free cloud service.
If you are not familiar with Adafruit IO, see this Welcome tutorial to get started.
For this project we're using Adafruit IO to keep track of the time of day so we can automatically turn our stand off at night time.
Adafruit IO is included with your Adafruit shop account, so there's no need to sign up for anything new. This is a free service we provide for our customers to help you make the magic happen.
Once you've got CircuitPython installed on your Pico W, take a look at the CIRCUITPY drive to see what files are on there. You should find a file called settings.toml at the root of your drive. Open this up with a text editor - this is where to add your personal data.
Copy your Adafruit IO username and password into your settings.toml file using the following format, then save the file back to your CIRCUITPY drive:
aio_username = "username here"
aio_key = "aio key here"
That's it for settings.toml. You can learn more about this file and what it's used for in this guide.
Text editor powered by tinymce.