Program your Flora with the following code. It is a modified version of Tiago Gala's code to play the Super Mario Bros theme on the piezo, hence some of the Portuguese variable names. It will play the theme once upon startup:
#define toneC 1911 #define toneC1 1804 #define toneD 1703 #define toneEb 1607 #define toneE 1517 #define toneF 1432 #define toneF1 1352 #define toneG 1276 #define toneAb 1204 #define toneA 1136 #define toneBb 1073 #define toneB 1012 #define tonec 955 #define tonec1 902 #define toned 851 #define toneeb 803 #define tonee 758 #define tonef 716 #define tonef1 676 #define toneg 638 #define toneab 602 #define tonea 568 #define tonebb 536 #define toneb 506 #define tonep 0 int speaker = 9; long vel = 20000; boolean hasplayed = false; void setup() { pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT); delay(2000); } int melod[] = {tonec, toneG, toneE, toneA, toneB, toneBb, toneA, toneG, tonee, toneg, tonea, tonef, toneg, tonee, tonec, toned, toneB}; int ritmo[] = {18, 18, 18, 12, 12, 6, 12, 8, 8, 8, 12, 6, 12, 12, 6, 6, 6}; void loop() { if (hasplayed == true){ return;} for (int i=0; i<17; i++) { int tom = melod[i]; int tempo = ritmo[i]; long tvalue = tempo * vel; tocar(tom, tvalue); delayMicroseconds(1000); } delay(1000); hasplayed = true; } void tocar(int tom, long tempo_value) { long tempo_gasto = 0; while (tempo_gasto < tempo_value) { digitalWrite(speaker, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(tom / 2); digitalWrite(speaker, LOW); delayMicroseconds(tom/2); tempo_gasto += tom; } }
For more examples/info on using a piezo to make melodies, check out the Arduino Play Melody page.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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