Trinket M0 comes preloaded with CircuitPython. If you've since used it to run Arduino code, or you'd like to upgrade to the latest version, follow the instructions here to install the latest CircuitPython.
Connect Trinket M0 to your computer using a micro USB Cable. A drive named CIRCUITPY should appear on your computer.
Open the CIRCUITPY drive and create a folder named lib inside (if it doesn't already exist).
The project code requires two code libraries. Click the link below to download the CircuitPython library bundle which matches the version of CircuitPython you are running. You can check the boot_out.txt file on the CIRCUITPY drive to determine the major version of CircuitPython you are using.
Unzip the library bundle, and open the lib folder inside.
You'll need to copy two libraries from this folder to the CIRCUITPY drive's lib folder:
- Locate the folder named adafruit_hid and copy it to the CIRCUITPY drive's lib folder.
- Locate the file named adafruit_dotstar.mpy and copy it to the CIRCUITPY drive's lib folder.
Your CIRCUITPY drive's file structure should now look like this:
Project code
CircuitPython code for this project was adapted from the rather excellent MiniKbd by Andy Clymer.
Copy the code below and paste it into a new text file.
Save the text file as to the root of the CIRCUITPY drive, overwriting any preexisting file.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Collin Cunningham for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull import usb_hid from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) kbdLayout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kbd) state = [] pins = {} buttonMap = [ dict(row="D4", col="D0", id=1), dict(row="D4", col="D1", id=2), dict(row="D4", col="D2", id=3), dict(row="D3", col="D2", id=4), dict(row="D3", col="D0", id=5), dict(row="D3", col="D1", id=6)] # Set up row pins for pin in ["D4", "D3"]: p = DigitalInOut(getattr(board, pin)) p.direction = Direction.OUTPUT pins[pin] = p # Set up column pins for pin in ["D0", "D1", "D2"]: p = DigitalInOut(getattr(board, pin)) p.direction = Direction.INPUT p.pull = Pull.DOWN pins[pin] = p buttonIDtoKeycode = { 1: Keycode.V, 2: Keycode.O, 3: Keycode.T, 4: Keycode.E, 5: Keycode.SPACE, 6: Keycode.ENTER} while True: # Compare old and new state oldState = state newState = [] newBtn = None for button in buttonMap: r = pins[button["row"]] r.value = True if pins[button["col"]].value: newState += [button["id"]] if not button["id"] in oldState: newBtn = button["id"] r.value = False # Press & release keys for oldID in oldState: if not oldID in newState: kbd.release(buttonIDtoKeycode[oldID]) if newBtn:[newBtn]) state = newState
Usage & customization
Once you've saved to your Trinket M0 the code will start running and the board will be seen by your computer as any other USB keyboard – no reboots or special tricks required.
Want to make your keyboard say something other than "vote"? No sweat. You can easily change what keycodes are sent to your computer by editing the code.
Edit lines 37-42 of by swapping the current keycodes with the new ones you want. You can see a list of all possible keycodes using this reference in the CircuitPython documentation.
For example, if you wanted to be able to type "cool" and exchange the return key for a shift key, it would look like this:
buttonIDtoKeycode = { 1: Keycode.C, 2: Keycode.O, 3: Keycode.O, 4: Keycode.L, 5: Keycode.SPACE, 6: Keycode.SHIFT}
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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