Ok, so now let's complete the circuit and have Zapier send some traffic to Twitter for us.
As an example, I have an IO feed for logging mouse data from a Raspberry Pi.
Ok, so suppose I had a friend on Twitter I wanted to notify when the mouse activity got particularly out of hand?
Make a new zap, but this time select Adafruit IO as the trigger application and Twitter as the action app:
Next, select the accounts you set up for the previous zap (they should already be connected):
Then select the feed you're going to use. I went with my existing Mouse Problems feed, but you'll want something you're already writing data to. For more detail on creating a feed, check out Adafruit IO Basics: Feeds.
Next, add a filter on "The logged data". I went with when it's greater than 4:
Now you can build the tweet Zapier will send on your behalf. Click the "Insert Fields" button to use data from Adafruit IO. (You probably want "The logged data", but might be able to use other values as well.)
Since I don't want to clutter up twitter with automated tweets for any actual humans who follow me, I'm @-messaging an old novelty account I created once called @chz_on_stuff. (It's pretty much what it sounds like.)
Next, give it a test:
Lo and behold, a tweet!
Now you can name the zap and turn it on:
That's about the size of it. Following a similar process, you should be able to send and receive IO data to/from any of the other services that Zapier supports. We'll be adding additional features as we continue developing Adafruit IO, but in the meanwhile, please let us know if you run into any unexpected behavior.
Page last edited August 26, 2015
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