Here is a YouTube video demonstrating all of the functions of the device. Below that, we have a summary of what's in the video.
When you initially upload the sketch, you will see the keyboard screen shown above. This is one of three screens available. You navigate the cursor around the screen using your LEFT and RIGHT AT switches and then select the key you want to press using the SELECT switch. If you only have 2 switches use one of the switches to navigate horizontally and when you get to the end of the row it will wrap around to the beginning.
If you simultaneously press the RIGHT and the SELECT switch, the cursor will move down. If you simultaneously press the LEFT and the SELECT switch, the cursor will move up.
For users who cannot press two switches simultaneously, when you get to the right and of the row go one step further to the right, the cursor will convert to a down arrow symbol. If you press SELECT the cursor moves down one row. If you go one additional step further to the right the cursor changes to an up arrow symbol and pressing SELECT moves the cursor up one row. An additional step to the right wraps around the beginning of the row.
The top row consisting of "KMA" is used to navigate between three display pages for keyboard, mouse, and arrows respectively.
The first row of the keyboard screen consists of numbers as on a standard keyboard. The symbol on the far right is a BACKSPACE key. On the next row the symbol on the far right that looks like a stylized "X" is the delete key. The last two symbols on the third row are the ENTER and SPACE BAR keys.
The last four symbols of the fourth row are toggles for SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, and GUI. The GUI key is the Windows Key on Windows systems and the Command Key on Mac computers. When you press a toggle, an indicator will appear on the right edge of the screen. These toggle on and remain on until you press them again. Also, the "0" below the "S" SHIFT toggle will turn off all toggles.
The fifth row consists of arrow keys left to right they are: HOME, UP, PAGE UP, LEFT, ENTER, RIGHT, END, DOWN, and PAGE DOWN. This is followed by a lowercase "g" which is a non-toggled version of the GUI key. We already explained that the "0" releases all toggles. The next two symbols are ESCAPE and PRINT SCREEN. The bottom row is function keys F1 through F12.
When using the SHIFT toggle, the device has to completely redraw the screen to show the appliqués characters and punctuation symbols used in shift mode. This can take a couple of seconds. the shift screen is shown below.
To perform mouse movement commands, go to the top row and select the "M". The screen will then redisplay as follows.
The top row consists mostly of mouse direction arrows. Left to right these symbols are: UPPER LEFT, UP, UPPER RIGHT, LEFT. The lowercase "l" single clicks the left mouse button. This is followed by direction symbols for RIGHT, LOWER LEFT, DOWN, and LOWER RIGHT. The lowercase "r" is a single right click of the mouse. The "0" is used to clear all mouse toggles.
The second row begins with three mouse toggle keys. The uppercase "L" presses and holds the left mouse button. The uppercase "R" presses and holds the right mouse button and "M" presses and holds the middle mouse button. This is followed by a lowercase "m" which single clicks the middle mouse button. The "w" and "W" scrolls the mouse wheel down and up respectively. The "SCA" symbols are toggles for SHIFT, CONTROL, and ALT respectively. This allows you to do things such as "SHIFT LEFT CLICK" for example. Note: the "0" at the end of the first row releases not only the mouse toggles but the keyboard toggles as well.
By default, each time you press one of the arrow keys, the mouse moves 10 units in that direction. You can adjust the speed of the mouse using the "f" and "s" commands at the end of the last row. Repeatedly clicking them makes the mouse go faster or slower. Here is what the screen looks like when adjusting mouse speed.
The third screen available is for arrows and other special functions. You select it using the "A" command on the top row. It displays a screen that looks like this.
The top row consists of arrow commands. They are available on the keyboard screen as well but sometimes it's handy to have them on a separate screen. The top row functions are: HOME, UP, PAGE UP, LEFT, ENTER, RIGHT, END, DOWN, PAGE DOWN, and SPACE BAR.
The second row contains some special functions that are useful for cutting and pasting. Although that first symbol looks like a "z" it actually presses "CONTROL-Z" which in many programs is interpreted as UNDO. The "yxcv" are also automatically control keys which in most programs are interpreted as REDO, CUT, COPY, and PASTE.
This is followed by ESCAPE, BACKSPACE, INSERT, DELETE, and TAB.
The bottom row starts out with our typical toggle keys for SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, and GUI. The "g" is a non-toggled GUI. The "0" releases all toggles.
This is followed by three more special functions. This "t" produces an ALT-T which switches between open windows. The final two symbols are GUI-LEFT_ARROW, and GUI-RIGHT_ARROW which on Windows computers will dock the current window to the edge of the screen.
See the YouTube video at the top of the page for a demonstration of all of these functions.
Look at the code in the file code/TRRS_KB_Mouse/my_pages.h
to see the definitions of all three of these screens. You can add your own custom commands. We won't go into the details here but the code is well commented and you should be able to figure it out.
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