Now let's go over the code that runs on the sensor. The code checks the temperature and humidity, formats it, then publishes directly to the MQTT server.
MQTT Settings in settings.toml
Since the code publishes directly to the MQTT server, there are a few more settings that the code expects to find. If your MQTT server has no username and password, you can change the value to None
, however in general, the Home Assistant MQTT broker is setup to be password protected by default.
MQTT_BROKER = "" MQTT_PORT = 1883 MQTT_USERNAME = "myusername" MQTT_PASSWORD = "mypassword"
Temperature Reading
You may notice the temperature comes across a bit higher than the actual room temperature. To see some techniques to improve it, take a look at our Temperature Logger example.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries and the
file. In order to get the libraries you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Next, drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto you microcontroller board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
The files on your FunHouse should look like this:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Scott Shawcroft, written for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021 Melissa LeBlanc-Williams for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import os import time import json from displayio import CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL from import Circle from adafruit_funhouse import FunHouse PUBLISH_DELAY = 60 ENVIRONMENT_CHECK_DELAY = 5 ENABLE_PIR = True MQTT_TOPIC = "funhouse/state" LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC = "funhouse/light/state" LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "funhouse/light/set" INITIAL_LIGHT_COLOR = 0x008000 USE_FAHRENHEIT = True funhouse = FunHouse(default_bg=0x0F0F00) funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.fill(INITIAL_LIGHT_COLOR) # Don't display the splash yet to avoid # redrawing labels after each one is added funhouse.display.root_group = CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL # Add the labels funhouse.add_text( text="Temperature:", text_position=(20, 30), text_color=0xFF8888, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) temp_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 60), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) funhouse.add_text( text="Humidity:", text_position=(20, 100), text_color=0x8888FF, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) hum_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 130), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) funhouse.add_text( text="Pressure:", text_position=(20, 170), text_color=0xFF88FF, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) pres_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 200), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) # Now display the splash to draw all labels at once funhouse.display.root_group = funhouse.splash status = Circle(229, 10, 10, fill=0xFF0000, outline=0x880000) funhouse.splash.append(status) def connected(client, _userdata, _result, _payload): status.fill = 0x00FF00 status.outline = 0x008800 print("Connected to MQTT! Subscribing...") client.subscribe(LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC) def disconnected(_client): status.fill = 0xFF0000 status.outline = 0x880000 def message(_client, topic, payload): print("Topic {0} received new value: {1}".format(topic, payload)) if topic == LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC: settings = json.loads(payload) if settings["state"] == "on": if "brightness" in settings: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = settings["brightness"] / 255 else: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = 0.3 if "color" in settings: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.fill(settings["color"]) else: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = 0 publish_light_state() def publish_light_state(): funhouse.peripherals.led = True publish_output = { "brightness": round(funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness * 255), "state": "on" if funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness > 0 else "off", "color": funhouse.peripherals.dotstars[0], } # Publish the Dotstar State print("Publishing to {}".format(LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC)), json.dumps(publish_output)) funhouse.peripherals.led = False # Initialize a new MQTT Client object os.getenv("MQTT_BROKER"), os.getenv("MQTT_PORT"), os.getenv("MQTT_USERNAME"), os.getenv("MQTT_PASSWORD"), ) = connected = disconnected = message print("Attempting to connect to {}".format(os.getenv("MQTT_BROKER"))) last_publish_timestamp = None last_peripheral_state = { "button_up": funhouse.peripherals.button_up, "button_down": funhouse.peripherals.button_down, "button_sel": funhouse.peripherals.button_sel, "captouch6": funhouse.peripherals.captouch6, "captouch7": funhouse.peripherals.captouch7, "captouch8": funhouse.peripherals.captouch8, } if ENABLE_PIR: last_peripheral_state["pir_sensor"] = funhouse.peripherals.pir_sensor environment = {} last_environment_timestamp = time.monotonic() # Provide Initial light state publish_light_state() while True: if not environment or ( time.monotonic() - last_environment_timestamp > ENVIRONMENT_CHECK_DELAY ): temp = funhouse.peripherals.temperature unit = "C" if USE_FAHRENHEIT: temp = temp * (9 / 5) + 32 unit = "F" environment["temperature"] = temp environment["pressure"] = funhouse.peripherals.pressure environment["humidity"] = funhouse.peripherals.relative_humidity environment["light"] = funhouse.peripherals.light funhouse.set_text("{:.1f}{}".format(environment["temperature"], unit), temp_label) funhouse.set_text("{:.1f}%".format(environment["humidity"]), hum_label) funhouse.set_text("{}hPa".format(environment["pressure"]), pres_label) last_environment_timestamp = time.monotonic() output = environment peripheral_state_changed = False for peripheral in last_peripheral_state: current_item_state = getattr(funhouse.peripherals, peripheral) output[peripheral] = "on" if current_item_state else "off" if last_peripheral_state[peripheral] != current_item_state: peripheral_state_changed = True last_peripheral_state[peripheral] = current_item_state if funhouse.peripherals.slider is not None: output["slider"] = funhouse.peripherals.slider peripheral_state_changed = True # Every PUBLISH_DELAY, write temp/hum/press/light or if a peripheral changed if ( last_publish_timestamp is None or peripheral_state_changed or (time.monotonic() - last_publish_timestamp) > PUBLISH_DELAY ): funhouse.peripherals.led = True print("Publishing to {}".format(MQTT_TOPIC)), json.dumps(output)) funhouse.peripherals.led = False last_publish_timestamp = time.monotonic() # Check any topics we are subscribed to
How the Code Works
First there are our imports. Many of the imports include built-in modules such as json
as well as the adafruit_display_shapes
, and the adafruit_funhouse
import os import time import json from import Circle from adafruit_funhouse import FunHouse
In the next section, there are quite a few settings that you can adjust.
setting is the amount of time in seconds to wait before updating the temperature and humidity.
is the amount of time to delay in between reading the environmental sensors such as temperature and humidity and updating the labels. The reason we have a delay is to give time to other events.
setting can be set to False if you either do not have a PIR sensor or would not like the sensor to automatically trigger anything.
is the topic that holds the state of the FunHouse sensors. To read more about MQTT Topics, you can check out the MQTT Topics section of our All the Internet of Things Protocols guide.
is the topic that holds the state of the DotStar LEDs and is tells Home Assistant what the current state of the LEDS is to allow it to act like an RGB bulb.
is the topic that the FunHouse listens to in order to change the state of the DotStar LEDs through Home Assistant.
setting is the initial color of the DotStar LEDs.
is set to True, the temperature displayed on the screen will be in Fahrenheit. Changing this setting also affects the units that are sent to Home Assistant.
PUBLISH_DELAY = 60 ENVIRONMENT_CHECK_DELAY = 5 ENABLE_PIR = True MQTT_TOPIC = "funhouse/state" LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC = "funhouse/light/state" LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC = "funhouse/light/set" INITIAL_LIGHT_COLOR = 0x008000 USE_FAHRENHEIT = True
Next the FunHouse is initialized with a default background and the INITIAL_LIGHT_COLOR
funhouse = FunHouse(default_bg=0x0F0F00) funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.fill(INITIAL_LIGHT_COLOR)
In this next section, the display labels are created. funhouse.display.root_group = CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL
is called first first so that it doesn't draw each label sequentially and end the section with funhouse.display.root_group = funhouse.splash
to trigger drawing everything that's in the splash group, which is the group all labels are added to when created.
funhouse.display.root_group = CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL funhouse.add_text( text="Temperature:", text_position=(20, 30), text_color=0xFF8888, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) temp_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 60), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) funhouse.add_text( text="Humidity:", text_position=(20, 100), text_color=0x8888FF, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) hum_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 130), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) funhouse.add_text( text="Pressure:", text_position=(20, 170), text_color=0xFF88FF, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) pres_label = funhouse.add_text( text_position=(120, 200), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xFFFF00, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) funhouse.display.root_group = funhouse.splash
Next the script creates the circle to indicated whether the board is connected to the MQTT server or not. It is created with a default color of red.
status = Circle(229, 10, 10, fill=0xFF0000, outline=0x880000) funhouse.splash.append(status)
After that are the MQTT connect
and disconnect
handlers. These handle updating the connection status indicator and subscribing to any topics.
def connected(client, _userdata, _result, _payload): status.fill = 0x00FF00 status.outline = 0x008800 print("Connected to MQTT! Subscribing...") client.subscribe(LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC) def disconnected(_client): status.fill = 0xFF0000 status.outline = 0x880000
For the message handler, it will wait for the any new message that it is subscribed to. Then it will make sure the topic is the value of the LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC
before proceeding. Next it will decode the payload as JSON. If the state is "on"
, it will look for additional settings in the payload.
If it finds brightness, it will convert it from 0-255 to 0-1.0 and set the DotStars to that brightness. If it finds color, it will set the DotStars to that color using the fill()
command. After it changes the DotStars, it will publish the light state so the Home Assistant UI can update its settings.
def message(_client, topic, payload): print("Topic {0} received new value: {1}".format(topic, payload)) if topic == LIGHT_COMMAND_TOPIC: settings = json.loads(payload) print(settings) if settings["state"] == "on": if "brightness" in settings: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = settings["brightness"] / 255 else: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = 0.3 if "color" in settings: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.fill(settings["color"]) else: funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness = 0 publish_light_state()
The publish_light_state()
function will gather the current state of the DotStars and publish it in a way that is meaningful to Home Assistant.
def publish_light_state(): funhouse.peripherals.led = True publish_output = { "brightness": round(funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness * 255), "state": "on" if funhouse.peripherals.dotstars.brightness > 0 else "off", "color": funhouse.peripherals.dotstars[0], } # Publish the Dotstar State print("Publishing to {}".format(LIGHT_STATE_TOPIC)), json.dumps(publish_output)) funhouse.peripherals.led = False
With the functions all defined, MQTT is initialized in the FunHouse library using the settings in the secrets file. The handler function are then set and the code attempts to connect to the MQTT server. The os.getenv()
function is used to get settings from settings.toml.
# Initialize a new MQTT Client object os.getenv("MQTT_BROKER"), os.getenv("MQTT_PORT"), os.getenv("MQTT_USERNAME"), os.getenv("MQTT_PASSWORD"), ) = connected = disconnected = message print("Attempting to connect to {}".format(os.getenv("MQTT_BROKER")))
After that, some data variables are set up with initial states. This includes a variable to hold the last time that we published the general FunHouse state to MQTT and the last values of the peripheral so we can monitor when they change.
We also update the environment and display with the update_enviro()
function we defined earlier.
Finally we publish the current state of the DotStars with publish_light_state()
last_publish_timestamp = None last_peripheral_state = { "button_up": funhouse.peripherals.button_up, "button_down": funhouse.peripherals.button_down, "button_sel": funhouse.peripherals.button_sel, "captouch6": funhouse.peripherals.captouch6, "captouch7": funhouse.peripherals.captouch7, "captouch8": funhouse.peripherals.captouch8, } if ENABLE_PIR: last_peripheral_state["pir_sensor"] = funhouse.peripherals.pir_sensor environment = {} last_environment_timestamp = time.monotonic() # Provide Initial light state publish_light_state()
Now we get to the main loop.
First the code checks if the amount of time in ENVIRONMENT_CHECK_DELAY
has passed and if so, it will gather the environmental and light sensor settings, change the temperature to Fahrenheit if set to do so, update the environment
dictionary, and change the labels on the display. The current environment dictionary is used as the basis for the output data.
if not environment or (time.monotonic() - last_environment_timestamp > ENVIRONMENT_CHECK_DELAY): temp = funhouse.peripherals.temperature unit = "C" if USE_FAHRENHEIT: temp = temp * (9 / 5) + 32 unit = "F" environment["temperature"] = temp environment["pressure"] = funhouse.peripherals.pressure environment["humidity"] = funhouse.peripherals.relative_humidity environment["light"] = funhouse.peripherals.light funhouse.set_text("{:.1f}{}".format(environment["temperature"], unit), temp_label) funhouse.set_text("{:.1f}%".format(environment["humidity"]), hum_label) funhouse.set_text("{}hPa".format(environment["pressure"]), pres_label) last_environment_timestamp = time.monotonic() output = environment
In the next section each of the peripherals is checked and updated. If anything has changed, the peripheral_state_changed
variable is set to True which triggers publishing an update a bit later on.
peripheral_state_changed = False for peripheral in last_peripheral_state: current_item_state = getattr(funhouse.peripherals, peripheral) output[peripheral] = "on" if current_item_state else "off" if last_peripheral_state[peripheral] != current_item_state: peripheral_state_changed = True last_peripheral_state[peripheral] = current_item_state
Since the slider returns a number between 0-1 or None if not touched, this needs to be checked separately from the other Peripherals and is only added if it is being used.
if funhouse.peripherals.slider is not None: output["slider"] = funhouse.peripherals.slider peripheral_state_changed = True
If the peripheral_state_changed
variable is True or the amount of time in PUBLISH_DELAY
has elapsed, the state of the FunHouse is published.
if ( last_publish_timestamp is None or peripheral_state_changed or (time.monotonic() - last_publish_timestamp) > PUBLISH_DELAY ): funhouse.peripherals.led = True print("Publishing to {}".format(MQTT_TOPIC)), json.dumps(output)) funhouse.peripherals.led = False last_publish_timestamp = time.monotonic()
Finally the MQTT loop is run. In order to increase the responsiveness of the buttons, a timeout
value of 0.5 seems to work well. If the value is too small, it won't have enough time to respond to MQTT messages and if it is too large, it is possible to miss peripheral change events.
# Check any topics we are subscribed to
Debugging the Sensor
If you would like to monitor what the sensor is doing, you can look at our guide on Connecting to the Serial Console with CircuitPython. Once you are connected, it can help with any troubleshooting.
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