Follow the guide below to set up the AHT20 on the same device you've been using. The sensor board is connected to the Feather board using a Stemma QT cable - plug and play.
Now, you should have both sensors on the same device page. Click the gear on one of the AHT20's sensors.
Disable all the sensors except for temperature sensor you're going to use. In this example, I'm using the Fahrenheit feed.
Now click 'Update Component'.
Click the tab labeled Actions and then click New Action.
Fill out the options for this action like so. You can set whatever number you want for the comparison value or feed. I chose 80 so it'd let me know when my apartment is getting a bit hot. The value you set the feed to is the note it will play. I'm setting it to 785 (Hertz), which is G5 on the musical scale.
Make another reactive action and this time set it up so that it's less than or equal to the comparison value you set above and that it sets the feed to 0, or off.
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