To follow this guide you'll need the following parts:
- MPL3115A2 barometric pressure sensor.
- A board running CircuitPython. You'll need a board capable of running CircuitPython like the Feather M0 Express, Trinket M0 etc!.
- Breadboard and jumper wires. You'll need these parts to connect components to your development board.
Connect your MPL3115A2 to your development board using a standard I2C connection. Here's an example of wiring a MPL3115A2 to a Feather M0 board:
- Board 3.3V output to MPL3115A2 Vin
- Board GND/ground to MPL3115A2 GND
- Board SCL to MPL3115A2 SCL/I2C clock
- Board SDA to MPL3115A2 SDA/I2C data
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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