One-wire temperature sensors like the DS18B20 can measure temperature with a minimal amount of hardware and wiring. These sensors use a digital protocol to send accurate temperature readings directly to your development board without the need for an analog-to-digital converter or other extra hardware. You can get one-wire sensors in different form factors like waterproof and high-temperature probes--these are perfect for sensing temperature in many different projects and applications. With just a few connections and a WipperSnapper device, you'll be sensing temperature in no time!
This guide explores how to connect a DS18B20 one-wire temperature sensor to a board supported by the WipperSnapper firmware. You'll send its temperature data to be logged by Adafruit IO. All without any code!
What is WipperSnapper
WipperSnapper is a firmware designed to turn any WiFi-capable board into an Internet-of-Things device without programming a single line of code. WipperSnapper connects to Adafruit IO, a web platform designed (by Adafruit!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data.
Simply load the WipperSnapper firmware onto your board, add credentials, and plug it into power. Your board will automatically register itself with your Adafruit IO account.
From there, you can add components to your board such as buttons, switches, potentiometers, sensors, and more! Components are dynamically added to hardware, so you can immediately start interacting, logging, and streaming the data your projects produce without writing code.
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