To use the DS18B20 you'll need to install both the Adafruit CircuitPython OneWire and Adafruit CircuitPython DS18X20 modules on your CircuitPython board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython for your board.
Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use the hardware--carefully follow the steps to find and install these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle. Our introduction guide has a great page on how to install the library bundle for both express and non-express boards.
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0 or QT Py, you'll need to manually install the necessary folders and files from the bundle:
- adafruit_onewire
- adafruit_ds18x20.mpy
You can also download the adafruit_onewire folder from its releases page on Github, and the adafruit_ds18x20.mpy from its releases page on Github.
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has the adafruit_onewire, and adafruit_ds18x20.mpy files and folders copied over.
Next connect to the board's serial REPL so you are at the CircuitPython >>> prompt.
To demonstrate the usage of the sensor we'll initialize it and read the temperature from the Python REPL.
First run the following code to import the necessary modules and initialize the one-wire bus connection with the sensor:
import board from adafruit_onewire.bus import OneWireBus ow_bus = OneWireBus(board.D5)
Be sure to change board.D5 to the appropriate pin you're using if you've connected your sensor to a different digital input than shown on the wiring diagram of this guide!
Before you use the temperature sensor you can scan the one-wire bus to see which devices are available. This is handy for example if you have multiple sensors connected to your board and want to choose the right sensor based on its ID. Run this code to print out the ROM (or unique ID) of each sensor on the bus:
devices = ow_bus.scan() for device in devices: print("ROM = {} \tFamily = 0x{:02x}".format([hex(i) for i in device.rom], device.family_code))
If you only have one sensor is connected you should see one result printed with the ROM value (a list of hex values that has the unique identifier for that temperature sensor) and family (a byte that indicates the type of device).
If you multiple sensors connected you should see a line printed for each sensor. However if you don't see any devices printed double check your wiring and that the 4.7 KΩ pull-up resistor is connected as shown on the wiring diagrams!
Now you can import the DS18x20 module and use it to read the temperature from a sensor. Run the following code to import the module and create an instance of the DS18x20 sensor from the first device found on the one-wire bus:
import adafruit_ds18x20 ds18b20 = adafruit_ds18x20.DS18X20(ow_bus, devices[0])
Notice the first parameter to the DS18X20 initializer is the one-wire bus instance, and the second parameter is a device instance (found from calling scan() on the bus previously). If you have multiple sensors connected you can pick the appropriate one by changing the device instance to another value, like devices[1] would be the second sensor found (the 0 or 1 value in brackets is the index into the device list).
At this point you're ready to read the sensor's temperature property. This will return a value in degrees Celsius:
print('Temperature: {0:0.3f} °C'.format(ds18b20.temperature))
Finally there's one other property you can interact with, resolution. You can read and write this property to get or set the resolution in bits of the temperature sensor. Only a value of 9, 10, 11, or 12 is supported (the default is 12-bits of resolution). For example to change to a lower 9-bit resolution:
ds18b20.resolution = 9 print('Resolution: {0} bits'.format(ds18b20.resolution)) print('Temperature: {0:0.3f} °C'.format(ds18b20.temperature))
That's all there is to using the DS18B20 with CircuitPython!
Here's a complete example that will print the temperature every second from the first sensor found on the bus. Save this as on your board and open the serial REPL to see the output:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Simple demo of printing the temperature from the first found DS18x20 sensor every second. # Author: Tony DiCola # A 4.7Kohm pullup between DATA and POWER is REQUIRED! import time import board from adafruit_onewire.bus import OneWireBus from adafruit_ds18x20 import DS18X20 # Initialize one-wire bus on board pin D5. ow_bus = OneWireBus(board.D5) # Scan for sensors and grab the first one found. ds18 = DS18X20(ow_bus, ow_bus.scan()[0]) # Main loop to print the temperature every second. while True: print("Temperature: {0:0.3f}C".format(ds18.temperature)) time.sleep(1.0)
you can hold the sensor in your fingers to heat it up, watch the values go up!
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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