The Bluefruit App has a built in plotter that will let you easily visualize data from your microbit! Be sure you got the UART examples working from earlier.
Install Library & Example Code
First up, install the Adafruit helper library and friends
You can find our BLE demos in the examples menu:
Load up the BLE Plotter demo
This time, in the App, select the Plotter module. You will be able to see the X, Y and Z data appear and scroll down!
You can plot anything you like, just use bleSerial.print() and print out your data with commas in between. At the end of a data set have a bleSerial.println() and it will plot each comma-separated-element as a unique graph
So if you want to just graph the total acceleration vector sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
, use this code snippet:
void loop() { bleSerial.poll(); accel.update(); // print the data on serial port Serial.print(accel.getX()); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(accel.getY()); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(accel.getZ()); float vector = (accel.getX() * accel.getX()) + (accel.getY() * accel.getY()) + (accel.getZ() * accel.getZ()); vector = sqrt(vector); // send it over bluetooth bleSerial.println(vector); delay(100); }
Page last edited September 07, 2017
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