Windows Drivers
For windows, we use a modified LibUSB driver. You can download it here:
- Windows USBtinyISP signed driver built with libusb v1.12. The windows binaries below are built for this driver. If you want to use the latest WinAVR use this
For historic reasons, we have a:
- Windows USBtinyISP driver built with libusb v1.10. Use this for older WinAVR's. Don't use this unless you have to interface with old versions of software that are bound to libusb v1.1
AVRDUDE is the recommended software to use if you want to program/flash an AVR microcontroller.
Hardware/Firmware Files for v2.0
The latest!
EagleCAD schematic and board files
And schematic image -
Zip with all v2.0 firmware files (relevant files including precompiled hex file are in the spi subfolder)
Use the precompiled .hex file and Makefiles as your compiler may not be able to squeeze the code down to fit in the chip. Modify the Makefile in spi as needed and, in the spi folder, type in "make fuse flash" Beyond that, you're on your own.
You must use avr-gcc v3.4.6 and avr-libc v1.4.4 as part of Winavr-20060421 to compile the firmware. Please do not post to the forums asking for help on how to compile or burn the firmware.
The firmware is based off of the USBtiny code originally here.
Hardware/Firmware Files for v1.0
The board design is not single sided, but it's close: you will need to solder in the 5 wires that would go on the top. I have successfully toner-transfer etched this design.
- EagleCAD schematic and board files
- Schematic in PNG format
Zip with all v1.0 firmware files (basically modified USBtiny-spi)
You must use avr-gcc v3.4.6 and avr-libc v1.4.4 as part of Winavr-20060421 to compile the firmware. Please do not post to the forums asking for help on how to compile or burn the firmware.
This firmware is based off of the USBtiny code originally here.
v1.04 is a possible hotfix for some flakiness, you can try either one.
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