Now we will add in the accelerometer to create a tilt-activated mouse. Nearly any accelerometer will do, but the easiest to use is an analog output one. The ADXL335 will work great. First we will power the chip by providing 3.3V (not 5.0V) and ground from the Teensy, then connect the three analog outputs (X Y and Z) to three analog inputs. Finally, we will add Mouse'ing code to the sketch so that Mouse movement events are sent when the controller is tilted.
Cut a piece of ribbon cable down, we'll use Brown for Ground, Red for +3V, then Orange Yellow and Green for X Y and Z respectively.
The ADXL335 requires 3V power, so don't connect it to VCC (5V) instead, we'll use the 3V that the teensy provides - it uses that voltage for the USB communication, you can't draw more than maybe 20-40mA which is plenty for this but not enough for perhaps a bunch of LEDs! Brown connects to the second GND pin.
You should now try out the next sketch, teensySNES_test2.ino which will move the mouse as you tilt the controller.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT const int pinAnalogXInput = 3; const int pinAnalogYInput = 1; const int pinAnalogZInput = 2; const int pinAnalogDummyInput = 0; #define KEYREPEAT 100 // milliseconds #define KEYDELAY 200 // delay from first to second character const int pinBtnUp = 0; const int pinBtnRight = 1; const int pinBtnDown = 2; const int pinBtnLeft = 3; const int pinBtnSelect = 4; const int pinBtnStart = 5; const int pinBtnB = 7; const int pinBtnA = 8; const int pinBtnY = 10; const int pinBtnX = 9; const int pinBtnTrigLeft = 6; const int pinBtnTrigRight = 23; const int pinLEDOutput = 11; //Variables for the states of the SNES buttons byte buttons[] = { pinBtnUp, pinBtnRight, pinBtnDown, pinBtnLeft, pinBtnSelect, pinBtnStart, pinBtnB, pinBtnA, pinBtnY, pinBtnX, pinBtnTrigLeft, pinBtnTrigRight }; short keys[] = {KEY_U, KEY_R, KEY_D, KEY_L, KEY_ENTER, KEY_TAB, KEY_B, KEY_A, KEY_Y, KEY_X, KEY_P, KEY_Q}; #define NUMBUTTONS sizeof(buttons) typedef void KeyFunction_t(uint8_t c); KeyFunction_t* buttonActive[NUMBUTTONS]; KeyFunction_t* keyList[] = {myset_key6, myset_key5, myset_key4, myset_key3, myset_key2, myset_key1}; int keySlot = sizeof(keyList) / sizeof(KeyFunction_t*); //Change these values if accelerometer reading are different: //How far the accerometer is tilted before //the Teensy starts moving the mouse: const int cintMovementThreshold = 18; //The average zero acceleration values read //from the accelerometer for each axis: const int cintZeroXValue = 328; const int cintZeroYValue = 328; const int cintZeroZValue = 328; //The maximum (positive) acceleration values read //from the accelerometer for each axis: const int cintMaxXValue = 396; const int cintMaxYValue = 396; const int cintMaxZValue = 396; //The minimum (negative) acceleration values read //from the accelerometer for each axis: const int cintMinXValue = 256; const int cintMinYValue = 256; const int cintMinZValue = 256; //The sign of the mouse movement relative to the acceleration. //If your cursor is going in the opposite direction you think it //should go, change the sign for the appropriate axis. const int cintXSign = 1; const int cintYSign = -1; const int cintZSign = 1; //const float cfloatMovementMultiplier = 1; //The maximum speed in each axis (x and y) //that the cursor should move. Set this to a higher or lower //number if the cursor does not move fast enough or is too fast. const int cintMaxMouseMovement = 10; //This reduces the 'twitchiness' of the cursor by calling //a delay function at the end of the main loop. //There is a better way to do this without delaying the whole //microcontroller, but that is left for another time or person. const int cintMouseDelay = 8; void setup() { //This is not needed and set to default but can be useful if you //want to get the full range out of the analog channels when //reading from the 3.3V ADXL335. //If the analog reference is used, the thresholds, zeroes, //maxima and minima will need to be re-evaluated. analogReference( DEFAULT ); //Setup the pin modes. pinMode( pinLEDOutput, OUTPUT ); //Special for the Teensy is the INPUT_PULLUP //It enables a pullup resitor on the pin. for (byte i=0; i< NUMBUTTONS; i++) { pinMode(buttons[i], INPUT_PULLUP); } //Uncomment this line to debug the acceleromter values: // Serial.begin(); } void loop() { // //debugging the start button... digitalWrite ( pinLEDOutput, digitalRead(pinBtnStart)); //Process the accelerometer to make the cursor move. //Comment this line to debug the accelerometer values: fcnProcessAccelerometer(); //Progess the SNES controller buttons to send keystrokes. fcnProcessButtons(); //Delay to avoid 'twitchiness' and bouncing inputs //due to too fast of sampling. //As said above, there is a better way to do this //than delay the whole MCU. delay(cintMouseDelay); } //Function to process the acclerometer data //and send mouse movement information to the host computer. void fcnProcessAccelerometer() { //Initialize values for the mouse cursor movement. int intMouseXMovement = 0; int intMouseYMovement = 0; //Read the dummy analog channel //This must be done first because the X analog channel was first //and was unstable, it dropped or pegged periodically regardless //of pin or source. analogRead( pinAnalogDummyInput ); //Read accelerometer readings int intAnalogXReading = analogRead(pinAnalogXInput); int intAnalogYReading = analogRead(pinAnalogYInput); int intAnalogZReading = analogRead(pinAnalogZInput); //Calculate mouse movement //If the analog X reading is ouside of the zero threshold... if( cintMovementThreshold < abs( intAnalogXReading - cintZeroXValue ) ) { //...calculate X mouse movement based on how far the X acceleration is from its zero value. intMouseXMovement = cintXSign * ( ( ( (float)( 2 * cintMaxMouseMovement ) / ( cintMaxXValue - cintMinXValue ) ) * ( intAnalogXReading - cintMinXValue ) ) - cintMaxMouseMovement ); //it could use some improvement, like making it trigonometric. } else { //Within the zero threshold, the cursor does not move in the X. intMouseXMovement = 0; } //If the analog Y reading is ouside of the zero threshold... if( cintMovementThreshold < abs( intAnalogYReading - cintZeroYValue ) ) { //...calculate Y mouse movement based on how far the Y acceleration is from its zero value. intMouseYMovement = cintYSign * ( ( ( (float)( 2 * cintMaxMouseMovement ) / ( cintMaxYValue - cintMinYValue ) ) * ( intAnalogYReading - cintMinYValue ) ) - cintMaxMouseMovement ); //it could use some improvement, like making it trigonometric. } else { //Within the zero threshold, the cursor does not move in the Y. intMouseYMovement = 0; } Mouse.move(intMouseXMovement, intMouseYMovement); } //Function to process the buttons from the SNES controller void fcnProcessButtons() { bool keysPressed = false; bool keysReleased = false; // run through all the buttons for (byte i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) { // are any of them pressed? if (! digitalRead(buttons[i])) { //this button is pressed keysPressed = true; if (!buttonActive[i]) //was it pressed before? activateButton(i); //no - activate the keypress } else { //this button is not pressed if (buttonActive[i]) { //was it pressed before? releaseButton(i); //yes - release the keypress keysReleased = true; } } } if (keysPressed || keysReleased) Keyboard.send_now(); //update all the keypresses } void activateButton(byte index) { if (keySlot) //any key slots left? { keySlot--; //Push the keySlot stack buttonActive[index] = keyList[keySlot]; //Associate the keySlot function pointer with the button (*keyList[keySlot])(keys[index]); //Call the key slot function to set the key value } } void releaseButton(byte index) { keyList[keySlot] = buttonActive[index]; //retrieve the keySlot function pointer buttonActive[index] = 0; //mark the button as no longer pressed (*keyList[keySlot])(0); //release the key slot keySlot++; //pop the keySlot stack } void myset_key1(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key1(c); } void myset_key2(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key2(c); } void myset_key3(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key3(c); } void myset_key4(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key4(c); } void myset_key5(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key5(c); } void myset_key6(uint8_t c) { Keyboard.set_key6(c); }
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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