Quad 2x2 FeatherWing Prep
Solder socket headers into the Quad FeatherWing.
You'll add a slide switch to turn the Messenger on and off by shorting the Feather enable pin to ground.
Then, solder in the slide switch with enough height from the board to bend the switch sideways 90º as shown.
Solder a short length of wire from the common (center) leg of the switch to GND and another from the top leg to the Enable pin (marked En) on the FeatherWing.
Insert four M2.5 x 12mm M-F hex standoffs from under the Quad FeatherWing into the four corner mounting holes. Screw M2.4 x 6mm F-F hex standoffs on top of them. These will be used to fasten the board to the case.
Next, screw in seven M2.5 x 6mm hex standoffs onto the remaining mounting holes using seven M2.5 x 4mm screws. These will be used to secure the three Feather/FeatherWing positions we'll be populating, as shown.
MIDI FeatherWing
Solder in the DIN-5 MIDI jacks onto the MIDI FeatherWing. Then solder the header pins underneath.
Insert the MIDI FeatherWing into the Quad FeatherWing as shown.
Feather RP2040 and Battery
Solder header pins under the USB Host Feather RP2040.
Plug the LiPo battery into the Feather, then insert the Feather into the Quad FeatherWing.
OLED FeatherWing
Solder header pins under the OLED FeatherWing.
Insert it into the Quad FeatherWing as shown.
I used a piece of polyamide tape to add a nice amber tint to the OLED. This is optional. But just barely.
The MIDI and USB ports will be subjected to some force as you insert and remove cables, so it's a good idea to screw them into place and save the header pins from too much strain.
Use twelve M2.5 x 6mm screws to fasten them into the hex standoffs we prepared earlier.
3D Printed Case
You can optionally print a simple case to house the boards. The .stl file above can be printed in PLA at 0.2mm layer height.
Adhere a short length of double-stick foam tape to the inside of the case to secure the battery.
Then, fit the board in, being mindful of the switch so it notches into the side hole.
No 3D Printing Required
Alternatively, you can use the cutting guide linked below as a template to simply drill holes in a cigar box, take-out food container, or other box of your choosing.
Case Screws
Fasten the board to the case with four M2.5 x 6mm screws from underneath.
Please ignore the uneven first layer of my print and the slightly curled corner. Thank you.
You can optionally adhere rubber bumper feet to prevent sliding.
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