Software Setup
If this is your first time using Flora, take a look at Getting Started with Flora to get a guided tour.
Once you've got Flora up and running with Arduino, you'll need to install the FastLED library in Arduino (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
Libraries? Why? What's a Library?
In a nutshell, Arduino libraries have a lot of pre-written functions that make your neopixels easy to command. You can do fancy stuff without being a code guru. Yay Libraries!
FastLED is a fast, efficient, easy-to-use Arduino library for programming addressable LED strips and pixels. It has a lot of features to get your animations up and running fast -- and it has a lot of code samples available if you're just learning to code.
All about Arduino Libraries will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about libraries, including more detailed installation instructions.
Once your curiosity is satiated and your library is installed, copy and paste the code into your Arduino window.
Go to your Tools menu and select Flora from the list of boards. Plug your Flora into your computer via the onboard USB port. Press the "reset" button on your Flora and wait for the blinky red light, then click the upload button in Arduino.
/* soundbracelet for FastLED 2.1 or greater Converted by: Andrew Tuline Date: Oct, 2014 this code is based Neopixel code by John Burroughs: That was based on the Adafruit LED Ampli-tie project at: This was written for a Sparkfun INMP401 MEMS microphone/pre-amp. In this case, it's plugged into A5 of the Arduino. You may need to only use battery power as noise from the USB can affect the signals. Plug Vcc of the microphone into 3.3V of Arduino. Connect 3.3V of Arduino to aref pin, and gnd to gnd. FastLED is available at */ #include "FastLED.h" // FastLED library. Preferably the latest copy of FastLED 2.1. // Fixed definitions cannot change on the fly. #define LED_DT 6 // Serial data pin for WS2812B or WS2801 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB // Are they RGB, GRB or what?? #define LED_TYPE WS2812B // What kind of strip are you using? #define NUM_LEDS 16 // Number of LED's // Initialize changeable global variables. uint8_t max_bright = 255; // Overall brightness definition. It can be changed on the fly. struct CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // Initialize our LED array. #define MIC_PIN 9 // Analog port for microphone #define DC_OFFSET 0 // DC offset in mic signal - if unusure, leave 0 // I calculated this value by serialprintln lots of mic values #define NOISE 100 // Noise/hum/interference in mic signal and increased value until it went quiet #define SAMPLES 60 // Length of buffer for dynamic level adjustment #define TOP (NUM_LEDS + 2) // Allow dot to go slightly off scale #define PEAK_FALL 10 // Rate of peak falling dot byte peak = 0, // Used for falling dot dotCount = 0, // Frame counter for delaying dot-falling speed volCount = 0; // Frame counter for storing past volume data int vol[SAMPLES], // Collection of prior volume samples lvl = 10, // Current "dampened" audio level minLvlAvg = 0, // For dynamic adjustment of graph low & high maxLvlAvg = 512; void setup() { // This is only needed on 5V Arduinos (Uno, Leonardo, etc.). // Connect 3.3V to mic AND TO AREF ON ARDUINO and enable this // line. Audio samples are 'cleaner' at 3.3V. // COMMENT OUT THIS LINE FOR 3.3V ARDUINOS (FLORA, ETC.): //analogReference(EXTERNAL); delay(1000); // Power-up safety delay or something like that. Serial.begin(57600); LEDS.addLeds<LED_TYPE, LED_DT, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS); FastLED.setBrightness(max_bright); set_max_power_in_volts_and_milliamps(5, 500); // FastLED 2.1 Power management set at 5V, 500mA } // setup() void loop() { seashell(); show_at_max_brightness_for_power(); // Power managed FastLED display Serial.println(LEDS.getFPS()); } // loop() void seashell() { uint8_t i; uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl; int n, height; n = analogRead(MIC_PIN); // Raw reading from mic n = abs(n - 512 - DC_OFFSET); // Center on zero n = (n <= NOISE) ? 0 : (n - NOISE); // Remove noise/hum lvl = ((lvl * 7) + n) >> 3; // "Dampened" reading (else looks twitchy) // Calculate bar height based on dynamic min/max levels (fixed point): height = TOP * (lvl - minLvlAvg) / (long)(maxLvlAvg - minLvlAvg); if (height < 0L) height = 0; // Clip output else if (height > TOP) height = TOP; if (height > peak) peak = height; // Keep 'peak' dot at top // Color pixels based on rainbow gradient for (i=0; i<NUM_LEDS; i++) { if (i >= height) leds[i].setRGB( 0, 0,0); else leds[i] = CHSV(map(i,0,NUM_LEDS-1,50,70), 255, 255); //constrained to yellow color, change CHSV values for rainbow } // Draw peak dot if (peak > 0 && peak <= NUM_LEDS-1) leds[peak] = CHSV(map(peak,0,NUM_LEDS-1,50,70), 255, 255); // Every few frames, make the peak pixel drop by 1: if (++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { // fall rate if(peak > 0) peak--; dotCount = 0; } vol[volCount] = n; // Save sample for dynamic leveling if (++volCount >= SAMPLES) volCount = 0; // Advance/rollover sample counter // Get volume range of prior frames minLvl = maxLvl = vol[0]; for (i=1; i<SAMPLES; i++) { if (vol[i] < minLvl) minLvl = vol[i]; else if (vol[i] > maxLvl) maxLvl = vol[i]; } // minLvl and maxLvl indicate the volume range over prior frames, used // for vertically scaling the output graph (so it looks interesting // regardless of volume level). If they're too close together though // (e.g. at very low volume levels) the graph becomes super coarse // and 'jumpy' keep some minimum distance between them (this // also lets the graph go to zero when no sound is playing): if((maxLvl - minLvl) < TOP) maxLvl = minLvl + TOP; minLvlAvg = (minLvlAvg * 63 + minLvl) >> 6; // Dampen min/max levels maxLvlAvg = (maxLvlAvg * 63 + maxLvl) >> 6; // (fake rolling average) } // fastbracelet()
If you encounter trouble…
Any time you hit a roadblock with a NeoPixel project, we’ll usually ask that you start with the “strandtest” example from our own Adafruit_NeoPixel library. This helps us narrow down whether it’s a hardware or software issue. The library is installed similarly to FastLED or any other (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
You’ll find the strandtest example under File→Sketchbook→Libraries→Adafruit_NeoPixel→strandtest
If strandtest fails to run, this suggests a hardware issue…for example, connecting to the wrong input on the LED ring, or the wrong Flora pin.
If you’re new to Arduino programming and LEDs, we usually suggest starting with the Adafruit_NeoPixel library…it’s pretty basic, the strip declaration is more conventional, and we can stay on top of keeping it compatible with our own products and the most mainstream Arduino boards.
As FastLED is a more “bleeding edge” third-party library, we can’t always guarantee compatibility across versions or with specific boards. You can find help through their community on Google+. This is potent stuff, written by people with a deep appreciation for LED art, and we wanted to showcase it.
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