Measure Wire Length
Make sure to leave extra slack for the connections that are on the outer side of the circle.
Strip Wires
Prepare the wire for tinning by stripping a small amount at first. We'll tin the ends so the strands don't come apart.
Extend wire strip
We'll need to fit two wires together into the LED through holes to chain them together. With the tips tinned, strip a bit more of the wire off, this way we'll have enough bare wire to twist together.
Flatten Twist
Use a pair of flat pliers to smush the wires together. Resolder the twisted wires to connect the two threads together.
Solder Gemma
Use a third hand tool to hold Gemma and the NeoPixel 24x ring. Positon both so that they have a short distance to each soldering point.
Attach Plate Ring Clips
Align up uniRing1Clip.stl to the rectangular holes on uniPlate.stl. The clips should fit tightly in place.
Test Position Circuit
Test wiring layout with a small amount of mounting putty or tack to position the circuit on to the uniPlate.stl part.
Mount Gemma
Snap Gemma into the grooves. You can use tack putty to secure the circuit into place. Rotate the NeoPixel 24x ring and mount to uniPlate.stl part.
Attach NeoPixels
Mounting putty / tack works great here as well. Apply a small amount to secure each Pixel around uniPlate.stl.
Mount NeoPixel 16x Ring
Snap the NeoPixel 16x Ring to the mount. Make sure to position the wires close to the rest of the circuit.
Attach Top and Bottom Circuit
Snap together uniRing.stl to uniRingClip.stl part. Alternatively, we can use three pieces of 30 gauge wire to secure both halves together.
Tighten Parts
Use a pair of pliers to assist you while you fasten the 30awg wire to the printed parts.
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