FONA Tethering to Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black
How to connect a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black to FONA, and configure PPPD to access the internet through a GPRS cellular data connection.
LED Backpack Displays on Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
Learn how to install and use the Adafruit Python LED backpack library to use LED backpack displays with the Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.
SSD1306 OLED Displays with Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
Using the SSD1306 Python library you can connect a 128x64 or 128x32 pixel OLED display to your Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.
Nokia 5110/3310 LCD Python Library
The Nokia 5110/3310 display is a great low cost display that you can now use with your Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black projects using this Python library.
Embedded Linux Board Comparison
Comparison of the hardware, performance, power usage, and development environment for popular Linux-based development boards.
WiFi Yun Soundboard
Use an Arduino Yun connected to a USB speaker/soundcard to play audio from a Python Flask web application.
KTOWN's Guide to Readable C Code
Internal guidelines on writing readable, maintainable and understandable code in C and C++.
Smart Measuring Cup
An eTape liquid level sensor placed inside a container and connected to an Arduino Yun allows you to build a measuring you can view over the web.
Automatic Monitor Color Temperature Adjustment
Use an RGB color sensor to adjust the color temperature of your monitor with an Arduino or FT232H cable.
Smart Cocktail Shaker
Learn how to hack a kitchen scale to be readable by an Arduino so it can send data to an Android device over USB or bluetooth.
Low Power WiFi Datalogger
Learn how to measure and reduce the power consumption of an Arduino and CC3000 datalogger project.
Trellis Python Library
Learn how to use the Python port of the Trellis library on a Beaglebone Black or Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi Face Recognition Treasure Box
Use a Raspberry Pi, Pi camera, and the OpenCV computer vision library to lock and unlock a box using face recognition.
WiFi Controlled LED Christmahanukwanzaa Tree
Control the colors of a NeoPixel strip over a WiFi network using either an Arduino Yun or CC3000 & regular Arduino.
SMS Texting Pet Food Dish
Use an Arduino and CC3000 to send SMS messages with Amazon's Simple Notification Service.