Raspberry Pi NFC Minecraft Blocks
Learn how to connect a PN532 near-field communication (NFC) breakout to a Raspberry Pi. Using NFC tags you can create blocks in a Minecraft world!
Reverse Engineering a Bluetooth Low Energy Light Bulb
Learn how to sniff Bluetooth low energy traffic using the Bluefruit LE sniffer and reverse engineer a simple Bluetooth low energy device like a light bulb. Then control the device yourself using a Raspberry Pi and Bluetooth low energy USB adapter!
Raspberry Pi Video Looper
Learn how to install software on a Raspberry Pi to automatically play video files on USB drives. It even does seamless looping with audio support! Your Raspberry Pi can be an awesome little video playback appliance with up to 1080p HDMI playback
MPR121 Capacitive Touch Sensor on Raspberry Pi & BeagleBone Black
How to connect a MPR121 capacitive touch sensor board to a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black. You can even turn the MPR121 into a virtual keyboard for the Raspberry Pi!
Adafruit FT232H With SPI & I2C Devices
Learn how to use Adafruit SPI & I2C devices that support the Raspberry Pi & BeagleBone Black with the Adafruit FT232H breakout and your PC!
Adafruit FT232H Breakout
Using the FTDI FT232H chip this breakout provides a USB to serial UART with a special 'Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine' (MPSSE) that can talk many serial protocols such as SPI, I2C, serial UART, JTAG, and more!
Halloween Scream Box
Build a box that plays scary screaming sounds when you open it! The Audio FX board, a PIR motion sensor, and a few other small components are all you need for this quick Halloween project.
Freq Show: Raspberry Pi RTL-SDR Scanner
Use a Raspberry Pi, PiTFT, and RTL-SDR software-defined radio dongle to build a compact radio frequency scanner.
MCP9808 Temperature Sensor Python Library
Learn how to install and use the MCP9808 precision temperature sensor Python library.
MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor Python Library
Learn how to install and use the MAX31855 thermocouple temperature sensor Python library.
TMP006 Temperature Sensor Python Library
Learn how to install and use the MCP9808 precision temperature sensor Python library.
NeoPixels on Raspberry Pi
Learn how to install and use a Python library that lets you control NeoPixel/WS281x LEDs connected directly to a Raspberry Pi. No microcontroller needed!
Setting up WiFi with BeagleBone Black
Follow this guide to learn how to avoid some issues and configure a USB WiFi adapter to work with the BeagleBone Black.
User-space SPI TFT Python Library - ILI9341
Add an ILI9341-driven 2.8" TFT to your Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black and draw on it using Python code.
Character LCD with Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black
How to wire up and use a 16x2 or 20x4 character LCD with a Python library for the Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black.