Festive Feather Holiday Lights
Use the 32u4 Feather, a light sensor, and a proximity sensor to make holiday lights that match the color of nearby objects. Or build lights you can control from a smartphone or tablet with the Bluefruit LE Feather and Bluetooth Low Energy!
Raspberry Pi LED Matrix Display
Learn how to make a chain of RGB LED matrices into a large display that shows the video output of a Raspberry Pi. Great for playing games, movies, and more on a big, bright, beautiful display!
Processing on the Raspberry Pi & PiTFT
Learn how to install and run the latest version of the Processing creative coding environment. You can even display sketches on the PiTFT!
Cloud Cam: Internet-Connected Security Camera
Use a Raspberry Pi and Pi camera to build a small security camera that detects motion and saves images to Dropbox or Adafruit IO. With the NoIR camera and IR LEDs it can even see in the dark!
Track Your Treats: Halloween Candy GPS Tracker
Use an Arduino and GPS or FONA808 shield to create a location datalogger that records where you went trick or treating and which houses had the best candy.
Datalogging Hat with FLORA BLE
Using the Bluefruit LE Connect app's MQTT support, you can push sensor values from your FLORA Bluetooth circuit to Adafruit IO for graphing and more.
Arduino GPS Clock
Learn about Arduino by building an awesome digital clock that sets itself using time from GPS satellites. You can build a fun clock just the way you want!
Bluefruit LE Python Library
Learn how to install and use a Python library that can communicate with a Bluefruit LE UART. The library works with a Raspberry Pi, Linux, or Mac OSX machine with a Bluetooth low energy adapter.
Dash Hacking: Bare-Metal STM32 Programming
Learn how to disassemble the Dash, access internal programming headers, setup an ARM compiler toolchain, and upload your own code to the Dash using a STLink V2 programmer.
Techno-Tiki RGB LED Torch
Use a Gemma and small strip of Neopixels to light up a jar on top of a Tiki torch. An IR receiver allows remote control of the light's animations.
BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor with Raspberry Pi & BeagleBone Black
Add easy orientation sensing to your Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black project with a BNO055 sensor that combines a 9 degree of freedom IMU with an integrated sensor fusion algorithm.
Pro Trinket Power Meter
Use a Pro Trinket and INA219 breakout to build a small power meter that displays voltage, current, and power consumption on an OLED display.
Program an AVR or Arduino Using Raspberry Pi GPIO
Learn how to compile and install the latest avrdude version on a Raspberry Pi so it can program boards using the Pi's GPIO pins.
Building and Running MicroPython on the ESP8266
MicroPython is a tiny Python interpretor that can run on embedded platforms like the ESP8266 WiFi breakout. This guide will show you how to compile and install MicroPython for the ESP8266 from any platform using a Vagrant-based virtual machine.
Adafruit Arduino IDE Setup
Learn how to install and setup the Arduino IDE to work with Adafruit's Trinket, Pro Trinket, Gemma, Flora, and other boards.