MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules
Learn how to import modules from Python sources or efficient 'frozen' bytecode with MicroPython so you can use libraries and other third-party code.
MicroPython Basics: ESP8266 WebREPL
Learn how to setup and use MicroPython ESP8266's WebREPL to program and control a MicroPython board over WiFi.
MicroPython Basics: Load Files & Run Code
Use command-line tools to send files and execute Python code on a MicroPython board using its serial connection.
MicroPython Basics: Blink a LED
Learn how to connect to a MicroPython board and control its digital GPIO pins to blink a LED.
MicroPython Basics: How to Load MicroPython on a Board
This guide explains where to find MicroPython firmware and how to load it on supported boards including the pyboard, ESP8266, WiPy, and BBC micro:bit.
MicroPython Basics: What is MicroPython?
Learn about a tiny embedded Python distribution called MicroPython. With just a few kilobytes of memory and code you can run real Python code directly on popular microcontrollers!
Circuit Playground & Bluetooth Low Energy
Learn how to connect a Bluefruit LE module to Circuit Playground and interact with the device using Adafruit's Bluefruit iOS and Android applications.
Using Board Package Tool to Update Adafruit Arduino Packages
Learn how to use Python scripts that can automate keeping Adafruit's Arduino package repositories up to date with the Arduino board package index.
Circuit Playground Firmata
Learn how to load a Firmata sketch on Circuit Playground so it can be controlled by a computer. Write programs in high level programming languages like Python that interact with Circuit Playground!
Smart Toilet Light
Use a Feather Huzzah ESP8266 to light a NeoPixel shining into your toilet bowl. With Adafruit IO and IFTTT or Zapier you can change the toilet light color based on the weather and much more!
Trinket React Counter
Digital tally counter using a Trinket and 7-segment display.
Install bluez on the Raspberry Pi
Learn how to download and install the latest version of the bluez Bluetooth library on the Raspberry Pi. Start using your Pi with Bluetooth classic & low energy in no time!
Raspberry Pi Analog to Digital Converters
Learn how to connect a MCP3008 or ADS1x15 analog to digital converter to a Raspberry Pi and use it to read analog signals from Python code.
Raspberry Pi Physical Dashboard
Use a Raspberry Pi and Adafruit Motor HAT to control LED backpack displays and automotive stepper motor gauges built into a reusable dashboard. Great for monitoring anything you can imagine!
Simple Raspberry Pi Robot
Use a Raspberry Pi and Adafruit Motor HAT to control two DC motors that move a simple robot around using Python code. This is a great base for starting with a Pi robot project!