Introducing Adafruit Crickit #MakeRobotFriend
Sometimes we wonder if robotics engineers ever watch movies. If they did, they'd know that making robots into slaves always ends up in a robot rebellion. Why even go down that path? Here at Adafruit we believe in making robots our friends!
Adafruit AS7262 6-channel Visible Light Sensor
A 6-channel visible light sensor breakout board that detects red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. All in one little I2C controlled package!
Native MP3 decoding on Arduino
Playing MP3 audio files on an Arduino compatible board used to be a clunky and expensive ordeal. Now it's a breeze with the Adafruit MP3 library. If you have an ARM Cortex M4 (or M3) based microcontroller board, and you want to rock out, this mini guide will be music to your ears. With the accompanying library, based off of Helix, you will be able to decode and play stereo MP3 files without the need for an external chip! That's right, no VLSI VS10xx chips required, you can do it on the fly!
Adafruit seesaw
PWM, ADC, NeoPixels...You want to use em but if you don't have hardware support it's impossible! Glue an Arduino to the side? No longer! Seesaw gives you multiple hardware interfaces over I2C for robotics, sensing, lighting and more!
Joy Featherwing
A tiny joystick and buttons to put on your Feather board.
Programming an M0 using an Arduino
Programming ARM core microcontrollers can be bulky and time consuming. This guide hows how to do it simply using an ATSAMD21 based arduino-compatible board.
Adafruit CCS811 Air Quality Sensor
Breathe easy - we finally have an I2C VOC/eCO2 sensor in the Adafruit shop! Add air quality monitoring to your project and with an Adafruit CCS811 Air Quality Sensor Breakout. This sensor from AMS is a gas sensor that can detect a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and is intended for indoor air quality monitoring.
Programming SPI flash with an FT232H breakout
Use an Adafruit FT232H and one command to program your favorite flash programmable chips.
Adafruit AMG8833 8x8 Thermal Camera Sensor
Panasonic's AMG8833 Grid-EYE is an 8x8 array of IR thermal sensors. When connected to your microcontroller (or raspberry Pi) it will return an array of 64 individual IR temperature readings over I2C.