Blinka LED Sign
Make a sign to countdown the days of CircuitPython!
Theme Park Wait Time Display
Display Theme park queue line information LIVE, even if you're not planning a trip!
CNC Rotary Macropad
3D print a case for the MBL600 rotary encoder and snap apart ortho NeoKey switches.
ESP32-S3 BLE iOS Media Controller
Build a Bluetooth connected touch screen media controller for your iOS devices.
USB C Dock
With a couple of Adafruit USB breakouts and 3D printing, you can make a handy USB C dock for your desk.
IoT Filament Sensor
This project uses an IR Optical Sensor that can detect whenever an object passes by the sensor
Soundbox RP2040
Build a box of sound using CircuitPython and PropMaker Feather RP2040.
Dune Worm Thumper
Make a prop thumper from the book and movies Dune. With motion and sound, you can summon the monster of all sandworms.
USB Rotary Media Dial
Make a USB HID media controller with NeoPixel LEDS, QT Py RP2040 and Rotary Encoder STEMMA QT
Halo Energy Sword RP2040
3D Print an Energy Sword with NeoPixel LEDs and Sound Effects with the Prop-Maker Feather RP2040
Gravity Falls Memory Gun
3D print a prop replica of the Memory Gun from Gravity Falls using Feather RP2040 PropMaker and CircuitPython.
PicoDVI Adafruit IO Feed Dashboard
Display Adafruit IO data on any HDMI display with the Raspberry Pi Pico W and Adafruit’s Pi CowBell DVI Output!
IoT Battery Monitor
Build an internet connected battery monitor with ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT Feather, CircuitPython and Adafruit IO.
PiCowBell Proto Brick Plates
Print a LEGO compatible base plate for the PiCowBell Proto Boards.
IoT Bird Feeder with Camera
Build an internet connected bird feeder camera with Adafruit IO and CircuitPython.