DeviceScript, TypeScript for Microcontrollers
DeviceScript brings a TypeScript development experience to microcontrollers.
MicroCode for micro:bit
MicroCode is an icon-based (text-free), keyboard friendly editor for the micro:bit V2. It is suitable for younger learners and users with variable accessibility needs.
Qu'est-ce que MakeCode?
Tout ce que vous devez savoir pour coder avec Microsoft MakeCode
Makecode para la Circuit Playground Express
MakeCode de Microsoft es un editor de código para la CircuitPlayground de Adafruit. Puedes arrastrar y soltar bloques o escribir JavaScript. MakeCode está basado en web, ¡así que hay que instalar nada para iniciar!
Custom Controllers for MakeCode Arcade
Microsoft MakeCode is retro-gaming coding platform that creates cute 80's type 2D games. The games can run in the browser or on hardware. Here the focus is on building custom controllers for games running in the browser.
Getting Started with Custom Extensions for MakeCode
The MakeCode editors support importing Extensions from GitHub to extend the set of blocks and JavaScript apis. In this guide, you will learn how to package and build your own.
MakeCode Arcade with SAMD51 M4
This tutorial will show you how to build your own MakeCode arcade using an Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express, a 1.8" color TFT screen and a simple arcade button.
MakeCode Arcade with Raspberry Pi Zero
This guide explains how to install SD card image to run your MakeCode Arcade games on Pi Zero using either the small Joy Bonnet or a big arcade controls.
MakeCode Course for Circuit Playground Express
A set of maker activities to run courses and workshops using MakeCode and Circuit Playground Express.
MakeCode Maker
MakeCode Maker is a code editor designed for breadboarding friendly boards like the Adafruit Metro Express.
Mason Jar Snow Globe
Pick up parts at your local grocery store to make this mason jar snow globe. With MakeCode, we'll turn it into a sound-activated light show!
Fireflies with MakeCode
We use a simple decentralized algorithm, mimicing fireflies, to synchronize the blinking of an arbitrary number of Circuit Playground Express boards.
Sensors in MakeCode
Guide for all the sensor available in the Circuit Playground Express in the MakeCode editor.
NeoPixels with MakeCode
Learn the various ways to create awesome animations on your NeoPixels on the Microsoft MakeCode editor. From builtins to bitmap based animations, all you need is here.
MakeCode for Circuit Playground Express
Microsoft MakeCode is a code editor for the Adafruit CircuitPlayground Express. You can drag and drop blocks or write JavaScript. MakeCode is web based so there is nothing to install to get started!