Adafruit APDS9960 breakout
This handy sensor is full of features! Add basic gesture sensing, RGB color sensing, proximity sensing, or ambient light sensing to your project with the Adafruit APDS9960 Proximity, Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor.
AdaBox 003
If walls could talk.
If fridges could email.
If toasters could tweet.
If garbage cans could blog.
If sinks could post stories.
If stoves could code.
The Internet of Things can be in all the things. Adafruit, Digikey, and Nimbus the Friendly Cloud Entity are here to help you learn how to connect everything you need and nothing you don't.
Adafruit IO Basics: Color
This guide is part of a series of guides that cover the basics of using Adafruit IO. It will show you how to send color data from Adafruit IO to a RGB LED.
MQTT, Adafruit IO & You!
The Internet of Things! The Internet of Things! THE INTERNET OF THINGS! OK now that I've got your attention, lets talk about this INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT). IoT is this idea that, hey - my toaster! my car! my dog's collar! - all those things can be connected to the Internet and each other.
Adafruit IO Basics: Digital Output
This guide will show you how to toggle a lamp on and off from any modern web browser using a Powerswitch Tail and Adafruit IO.
Adafruit IO Basics: Digital Input
This guide is part of a series of guides that cover the basics of using Adafruit IO. It will show you how to send momentary button press data to Adafruit IO.
Adding Custom Boards to the Arduino v1.6.3 Board Manager
This guide will show you how to setup your Arduino IDE to use the Adafruit Arduino Proxy, which will allow you to easily add new boards using the new Board Manager feature introduced in v1.6.2.
Learn how to install the Raspberry Pi packages we have made available on our new Raspbian package repository.
Raspberry Pi Kernel-o-Matic
If you've ever needed to compile the Linux Kernel on a Raspberry Pi, you've probably noticed that it takes a long time. We sure have!
If you have a desktop computer or a laptop with decent hardware specs, it seems like there ought to be an easy way to use all that processing power to generate a new kernel for your Pi, but it can be tricky to figure out the specifics. Enter the Adafruit Pi Kernel-o-Matic!
Adafruit IO
Adafruit IO is a system that makes data useful. Our focus is on ease of use, and allowing simple data connections with little programming required. Adafruit IO is currently in closed beta. Head over to to request an invite to the beta.
Tweet-a-Watt is a DIY wireless power monitoring system. The project uses an 'off the shelf' power monitor called the Kill-a-Watt and adds wireless reporting. Each plug transmits the power usage at that outlet to a central computer receiver. The receiver can then log, graph and report the data.
Adafruit IO Basics: NeoPixel Controller
In this basic example of ways to interact with Adafruit IO, we use an Adafruit NeoPixel ring and control the RGB levels with three sliders on an AIO dashboard.
OctoPrint - Open Source Host Software
You can install open source OctoPrint software on your desktop or laptop computer as a general purpose tool to manage and print to a broad selection of 3D printers. The real strength of the OctoPrint project comes into play when you explore embedded solutions on affordable SBCs such as Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black computers for wireless printing, custom gcode or shell driven event hooks, automatic timelapse production and uploading and more. Here are some resources to help you setup your OctoPrint software for use with the desktop 3D printers currently offered at Adafruit.
Circuit Sticker School Binder
Bring some bling to back to school by adding a sticker circuit to your school binder using Chibitronics circuit stickers.
Adafruit Desktop 3D Printer Buyers Guide
Starting in 2012 Adafruit has stocked a handful of 3D printers, accessories, and supplies, and provide resources to help our community create better 3D printed project that integrate electronics.
We created this guide as a handy reference to help you compare and contrast the options we offer.