Where's My Friend? A Location-Aware Display with PyPortal and ItsASnap
This IoT project helps you display a friend's or loved one's location on an Adafruit PyPortal. This project uses the ItsaSnap iOS app and Apple Shortcuts to send a phone's GPS location to a shared Adafruit IO feed. An Adafruit PyPortal connects to the internet, fetches location data from the shared feed, and displays it on the screen.
Face Tracking Robot with MEMENTO
This guide builds a computer vision system from a previous guide to build a playful robot that uses the Adafruit MEMENTO to capture an image, detect a face, and track it until the face is no longer in the frame. This is a great intermediate-level project for trying out machine learning, computer vision, and robotics.
Facial Detection and Recognition with MEMENTO
Want to play around with computer vision "at the edge" without the overhead and complexity of compiling a dataset and training a model? This guide turns the MEMENTO into a camera that can both detect and recognize faces!
DIY IoT Doorbell Camera with MEMENTO
Build a simple IoT doorbell camera using Adafruit's MEMENTO. Press a mini LED arcade button to snap a photo and display it on an Adafruit IO Dashboard.
No-Code IKEA Vindriktning Air Quality Sensor Hack with Adafruit IO
In this guide, you will modify the IKEA Vindriktning air quality sensor by adding a microcontroller (an Adafruit QT Py ESP32-S3) inside it. You'll also add a BME280 sensor inside the Vindriktning, giving it the capability to also read temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure in addition to air quality.
Quick Start: Pico W with WipperSnapper
The Raspberry Pi Pico W is an inexpensive WiFi microcontroller from Raspberry Pi. This guide covers setting up the Pico W with WipperSnapper, the Adafruit no-code IoT firmware, and connecting it to the Cloud.
How to Add a New Board to WipperSnapper
This guide will walk you through the process of adding a new board to Adafruit.io WipperSnapper - a no-code IoT platform designed for experimentation. Upon completion of the guide, your board will be included with every new release of the WipperSnapper library.
How to Add a New Sensor or Component to Adafruit IO WipperSnapper
If you don't see the component you need for your IoT project on Adafruit.io, you can make an input, output, or sensor component and add it to WipperSnapper
Quickstart: Adafruit IO WipperSnapper
Snap-togther your Internet of Things (IoT) project with WipperSnapper! This guide walks you through the process of installing WipperSnapper on a new development board, a brief overview of the WipperSnapper platform, and instructions for adding and interacting with physical components from the web.
Quickstart - Raspberry Pi RP2040 with BLE and CircuitPython
Add Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity to your RP2040 by adding an Adafruit AirLift ESP32 processor. This guide covers upgrading the BLE firmware on an AirLift module, examples for using the RP2040 as a Bluetooth peripheral with CircuitPython, and instructions to adapt existing CircuitPython BLE code for use with the AirLift.
Quickstart IoT - Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 with WiFi
Connect your Raspberry Pi RP2040 CircuitPython project to the internet by adding an Adafruit AirLift breakout board. In this guide, you'll wire up a Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 with an AirLift breakout board. You'll connect your Raspberry Pi Pico to the internet and parse raw text and JSON data. Finally, you'll connect to Adafruit IO to send and receive data from your Pico.
MagTag Google Calendar Event Display
Never miss a meeting again with this Google Calendar Event Display. This project uses a MagTag to fetch and display upcoming events from your Google Calendar. This CircuitPython project uses the Google Calendar API to retrieve a list of the latest events from your Google Calendar and displays them on the MagTag's crisp e-Ink screen. Between fetching new events on your schedule, the MagTag goes into a deep sleep mode to conserve battery life.
PyPortal Google Calendar Event Display
Never miss a meeting again with this Google Calendar Event Display. This project uses an Adafruit PyPortal to fetch and display upcoming events from your Google Calendar. This CircuitPython project uses the Google Calendar API to retrieve a list of the latest events from your Google Calendar and displays them on the PyPortal's LCD screen.
MagTag Twitter Display
Stay up to date with this MagTag Twitter display. This guide shows how to use an Adafruit MagTag, CircuitPython and the Twitter API to display the latest tweets from a Twitter account.
Expressive Pixels for Adafruit Matrix Portal
Design images and animations using Microsoft Expressive Pixels and display them on an Adafruit Matrix Portal. This guide covers installing the open-source Expressive Pixels firmware on an Adafruit Matrix Portal, authoring animations and images, saving images to the Matrix Portal, and triggering animations using the Matrix Portal's GPIO pins.