This Jack-o-Theremin uses an ultrasonic range finder to sense the distance to your hand. A Circuit Playground Express uses that distance measurement to play sound and flash colors. It's festive and funky!
NeoPixel Manicure
In this wearable project, we'll create a programmable LED manicure using 3D printing, NeoPixel RGB LEDs, and Trinket M0. After building the circuit, we'll attach each LED to a reusable acrylic nail, and apply them using double stick nail tape.
Experimenting with Conductive Heater Fabric
This non-woven fabric is highly conductive, but with a resistance of 20 ohms/square inch, will heat up when current is applied. Let's look at a few ways to connect to it, how to power it, and what you can do with it!
Con Badge with Circuit Playground Express
This project is directly inspired by the amazing unofficial con badges made for the DEF CON Hacking Conference. Make your own flashy badge with a laser cut back plate and Circuit Playground Express!
Raspberry Pi Selfie Bot
Instead of a selfie booth, how about a selfie bot? This project combines a Raspberry Pi camera with an accelerometer and animated faces and sounds to create the illusion of an artificially intelligent "bot". Selfie Bot giggles when shaken, falls asleep when put down, and loves to take your picture! Use the animations provided, or create your own behaviors!