Adafruit STEMMA Reflective Photo Interrupt Sensor
An optical reflective sensor is a composite electronic device with two elements - an IR LED and an IR photo-transistor. The IR LED blasts light, and when something bounces the light back to the photo-transistor, the transistor turns on and the amount of current flowing through it increases. This makes the sensor great at detecting when something is in front of the sensor.
Adafruit LTC4316 I2C Address Translator
The Adafruit LTC4316 I2C Address Translator does on the fly I2C address translation. There's an 'input I2C' half, and an 'output I2C' half. And any devices on the 'output' half will automatically have their addresses translated from the input half. Specifically, each device will have bit A6 flipped (most-significant-bit of the address) and then bits A4 and A5 can also be flipped or kept the same, with the two DIP switches on board. To determine the translated address, we use XOR bitwise math.
IoT Battery Monitor
Build an internet connected battery monitor with ESP32-S2 Reverse TFT Feather, CircuitPython and Adafruit IO.
Adafruit SHT4x Trinkey
It's half USB key, half temperature-humidity sensor... it's the Adafruit SHT4x Trinkey. There's an ATSAMD21 microcontroller on board with just enough circuitry to keep it happy. One pin of the microcontroller connects to a NeoPixel LED. Another pin is used as a capacitive touch input on the end. A reset button lets you enter bootloader mode if necessary.
CircuitPython Elgato WiFi Light Controller
You can use CircuitPython to control your wireless Elgato lights. The Elgato API is fairly simple and uses HTTP requests to send and receive JSON data. This makes for an excellent CircuitPython project with the Feather ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT. The board connects to your WiFi network and sends HTTP requests to your Elgato light when you press one of its three onboard buttons.
Adafruit Proto Doubler PiCowbell
The Adafruit Proto Doubler PiCowBell is intended to be treated like a mini solder-less proto plate to simplify programming and sensor connectivity for your Raspberry Pi Pico board. Reset button? Yes! STEMMA QT / Qwiic connector for fast I2C? Indeed. Battery with recharging and on/off switch? Affirmative. Plug-and-play so no soldering necessary when used with a Pico H or Pico WH? Here you go!
Adafruit Proto Under Plate PiCowBell
The Adafruit Proto Under Plate PiCowBell is intended to be treated like a mini solderless proto plate to simplify programming and sensor connectivity for your Raspberry Pi Pico board. Reset button? Yes! STEMMA QT / Qwiic connector for fast I2C? Indeed. Plug-and-play so no soldering necessary when used with a Pico H or Pico WH? Here you go!
IoT Bird Feeder with Camera
Build an internet connected bird feeder camera with Adafruit IO and CircuitPython.
Adafruit Terminal PiCowbell for Pico
The Adafruit Terminal PiCowbell is ideal for when you want quick access to connect solid or stranded core wires to any of the GPIO pads on the Pico. We use four 10-pin 2.54" pitch screw terminal blocks that can fit 18 to 26 AWG solid or stranded core wires. Note that we really connect every pin 1-to-1, so there will be plenty of ground connects!
Adafruit STEMMA Analog SPDT Switch
The Adafruit STEMMA Analog SPDT Switch lets anyone use the MAX4544 SPDT analog switch for signals up to 12V, without fiddly soldering. When the selection signal is low, the Common pin is connected to the Normally Closed (NC) pin and disconnected from the Normally Open (NO) pin. When the selection signal is high, the Common pin is connected to NO and disconnected from NC.
OpenAI Image Descriptors with MEMENTO
In this project, you'll upload the pictures you take with your MEMENTO camera to OpenAI to request a description of the image with various prompts. The MEMENTO is running CircuitPython code that lets you connect to WiFi, take a photo, send the photo to OpenAI with their API and then save the response as a text file. You can view the response after it is fetched on the MEMENTO display.
Adafruit ItsyBitsy ESP32
What's smaller than a Feather but larger than a Trinket? It's an Adafruit ItsyBitsy ESP32, a powerful processor PCB with a plethora of pins! It features the ESP32 Pico module, an FCC-certified module that contains an ESP32 chip with dual-core 240MHz Tensilica processor, WiFi, and Bluetooth classic + BLE, configured with 8 MB of Flash memory, and 2 MB of PSRAM.
BLE Cat Thermal Printer with MEMENTO
You can use the MEMENTO camera board with one of the internet famous BLE cat thermal printers to instantly print photos with the classic "Gameboy" grayscale filter. The ESP32-S3 on the MEMENTO connects to the cat printer over BLE with the CatGFX library. When you press the shutter/boot button, the image is sent to the cat printer for printing.
Adafruit NeoRGB Stemma
The NeoRGB is a no-soldering, plug-and-play STEMMA board with a 2mm JST PH connector on one end, and a 5-pin 0.1" screw terminal block on the other. It can convert standard 800KHz NeoPixel signal using a WS2811F chip to AO3406 N-channel FETs that are high efficiency and can sink a chunk of current - 3 Amps a piece with 50milliOhm Ron!
Qualia S3 Sushi Conveyor Belt
More and more sushi conveyor belt demos are appearing on thin displays around the internet. This idea seemed perfect for the Qualia S3 paired with some bar displays and a side of wasabi. Endlessly scroll plates of sushi on your desk as you countdown the hours to your dinner out at the sushi bar.