To test the display, wire the DAT pin to Trinket GPIO #0, the CLK pin to Trinket GPIO #2, 5V to the Trinket 5V or USB line and GND to GND.
Ensure your Arduino IDE has support added for Adafruit Trinket. For IDE version 1.6.7 and above, all you need to do is add the Adafruit AVR Boards package in the Tools -> Board Managers section which provides Trinket support.
The display test program is a variation of the Hello World program. You need to install two libraries for the I2C and LCD functions: the Wire library and Adafruit_LiquidCrystal
library respectively. Unlike when Getting Started with Adafruit Trinket was published, no modifications to the IDE are needed, only support added for the boards. Much easier.
If this is your first time using Trinket, work through the guides first:
Software Libraries Used
To maximize the functionality of software on Trinket, new libraries need to be installed. See the All About Arduino Libraries tutorial for details on how to download and install thee liquidcrystal library.
- The Arduino internal Wire library for I2C communications
- The Adafruit_LiquidCrystal library
No library is needed for the ultrasonic sensor.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Mikey Sklar for Adafruit Industries // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* Demonstration sketch for Adafruit LCD backpack using MCP23008 I2C expander and Maxbotic LV-EZ1 Ultrasonic Sensor (other pin compatible Maxbotix sensors should also work) Tested with the 5 volt Trinket mini microcontroller at 8 MHz The ultrasonic sensor and pin use should be Gemma and Trinket 3V compatible This sketch reads the LV-EZ1 by pulse count and prints the distance to the LCD The circuit: * 5V to Arduino 5V pin, I2C Backpack 5V and EZ1 +5 * GND to Arduino GND pin, I2C Backpack GND and EZ1 GND * Display I2C Backpack CLK to Trinket GPIO #2 * Display I2C backpack DAT to Trinket GPIO #0 * LV-EZ1 Ultrasonic Sensor PW pin to Trinket GPIO #1 Portions of code provided free use on by Bruce Allen and Bill Gentles Version 2.0 Adds Arduino IDE 1.6.7 and greater Wire support Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries */ // include the library code #include <Adafruit_LiquidCrystal.h> // Tiny LiquidCrystal library using TinyWireM #define EZ1pin 1 // Trinket GPIO #1 // Connect display via i2c, default address #0 (A0-A2 not jumpered) Adafruit_LiquidCrystal lcd(0); // These values are for calculating a mathematical median for a number of samples as // suggested by Maxbotix instead of a mathematical average int8_t arraysize = 9; // quantity of values to find the median (sample size). Needs to be an odd number //declare an array to store the samples. not necessary to zero the array values here, it just makes the code clearer uint16_t rangevalue[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; uint16_t modE; // calculated median distance void setup() { pinMode(EZ1pin, INPUT); // Sey ultrasonic sensor pin as input lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up the LCD number of rows and columns: lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // Set backlight on (HIGH on, LOW off) } void loop() { int16_t pulse; // number of pulses from sensor int i=0; while( i < arraysize ) { pulse = pulseIn(EZ1pin, HIGH); // read in time for pin to transition rangevalue[i]=pulse/58; // pulses to centimeters (use 147 for inches) if( rangevalue[i] < 645 && rangevalue[i] >= 15 ) i++; // ensure no values out of range delay(10); // wait between samples } isort(rangevalue,arraysize); // sort samples modE = mode(rangevalue,arraysize); // get median lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // write data to LCD display via I2C backpack lcd.print("Range: "); // write to LCD lcd.setCursor(7,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(7,0); lcd.print(modE); lcd.setCursor(11,0); lcd.print("cm"); delay(500); // Read every half second } // Sorting function (Author: Bill Gentles, Nov. 12, 2010) void isort(uint16_t *a, int8_t n){ for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { uint16_t j = a[i]; int k; for (k = i - 1; (k >= 0) && (j < a[k]); k--) { a[k + 1] = a[k]; } a[k + 1] = j; } } // Mode function, returning the mode or median. uint16_t mode(uint16_t *x,int n){ int i = 0; int count = 0; int maxCount = 0; uint16_t mode = 0; int bimodal; int prevCount = 0; while(i<(n-1)){ prevCount=count; count=0; while( x[i]==x[i+1] ) { count++; i++; } if( count > prevCount && count > maxCount) { mode=x[i]; maxCount=count; bimodal=0; } if( count == 0 ) { i++; } if( count == maxCount ) { //If the dataset has 2 or more modes. bimodal=1; } if( mode==0 || bimodal==1 ) { // Return the median if there is no mode. mode=x[(n/2)]; } return mode; } return 0; }
Using the contrast potentiometer on the backpack (a small silver bump), turn the dial with a small screwdriver. Change the contrast until you can read the text.
The above code compiles to 4,336 bytes of 5,310 available. This leaves over 900 bytes of code on an original Trinket if you wish to add additional functionality. On a Trinket M0 you have a ton of space to spare. If you use decimal (floating point) numbers, you will most likely exceed the space available. The Arduino IDE built-in functions which calculate floating point math are somewhat large.
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