Two programs are used to save code space. The first one should be needed only once to set the battery-backed DS1307 real-time clock. It may also be needed if the battery runs out but the battery life is expected to be quite long, like 7 years or so. It sets the clock according to the Arduino date and time so the system clock on your computer should be accurate for this to set correctly.
/********************* Sketch to set the time and date for the DS1307 Real Time Clock with an Adafruit Trinket mini microcontroller **********************/ // include the library code: #include <Wire.h> #include <RTClib.h> RTC_DS1307 RTC; void setup() { RTC.begin(); if(!RTC.isrunning()) { RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); } } void loop() { }
The main clock code is below.
/********************* Trinket RGB LCD Shield Clock Example code for the Adafruit RGB Character LCD Shield and Library for Trinket The DS1307 Real Time Clock must be initialized with a separate sketch. Version 2.0 Use with Arduino IDE Version 1.6.5 or later and Adafruit libraries modified December 2015 or later. Mike Barela for Adafruit. **********************/ // include the library code: #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h> // RGB LCD Shield communications #include <RTClib.h> // DS1307 clock communications // These defines make it easy to set the backlight color #define OFF 0x0 #define RED 0x1 #define YELLOW 0x3 #define GREEN 0x2 #define TEAL 0x6 #define BLUE 0x4 #define VIOLET 0x5 #define WHITE 0x7 // The shield uses the I2C SCL and SDA pins. Adafruit_RGBLCDShield lcd = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield(); RTC_DS1307 RTC; // Establish clock object DateTime Clock; // Holds current clock time int8_t offset = 0; // Hour offset set by user with buttons uint8_t backlight = WHITE; // Backlight state void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); // initialize display colums and rows RTC.begin(); // Initialize clock lcd.setBacklight(WHITE); // Set to OFF if you do not want backlight on boot } void loop() { uint8_t buttons; // button read value uint8_t hourval, minuteval, secondval; // holds the time DateTime Clock; // variable to hold our time char* colon = ":"; // static characters save a bit char* slash = "/"; // of memory Clock =; // get the RTC time hourval = Clock.hour()+offset; // calculate hour to display if(hourval > 23) hourval-=24; // adjust for over 23 hour else if(hourval < 0) hourval+=24; // or under 0 hours minuteval = Clock.minute(); // This block prints the time secondval = Clock.second(); // to the LCD Shield lcd.setCursor(0,0); if(hourval < 10) printzero(); // print function does not print lcd.print(hourval); // leading zeros so this will lcd.print(colon); if(minuteval < 10) printzero(); lcd.print(minuteval); lcd.print(colon); if(secondval < 10) printzero(); lcd.print(secondval); buttons = lcd.readButtons(); // read the buttons on the shield if(buttons!=0) { // if a button was pressed if (buttons & BUTTON_UP) { // if up pressed, increment hours offset +=1; } if (buttons & BUTTON_DOWN) { // if down pressed, decrement hours offset -=1; } if (buttons & BUTTON_SELECT) { // if select button pressed if(backlight) // if the backlight is on backlight=OFF; // set it to off else // else turn on the backlight if off backlight=WHITE; // (you can select any color) lcd.setBacklight(backlight); // set the new backlight state } } lcd.setCursor(0,1); // This block prints the date if(Clock.month()<10) printzero(); // to the LCD Shield lcd.print(Clock.month()); lcd.print(slash); if(<10) printzero(); lcd.print(; lcd.print(slash); lcd.print(Clock.year()); delay(1000); // wait one second } void printzero() { // prints a zero to the LCD for leading zeros lcd.print("0"); // a function saves multiple calls to the print function }
The code displays the clock value and polls the buttons. If the up or down buttons are pressed, the value offset is incremented/decremented. This is added to the RTC clock time to form the hour. A more robust program would have the hour written back to the DS1307 but that one function takes about 300+ bytes of code which is too much for our mighty Trinket.
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