If this is your first time using Trinket or Gemma, work through the Introducing Trinket or Introducing Gemma guide first; you need to customize some settings in the Arduino IDE. Once you have it up and running (test the “blink” sketch), then continue…
In the Arduino IDE, create a new sketch (File→New), then copy and paste the following code (click the “copy code” link at the top right, switch to the Arduino IDE and select Edit→Paste).
The program is fairly small but uses some advanced techniques, so don’t be alarmed if a lot of it is unfamiliar. The important stuff you’ll actually be editing is on the next page.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Phillip Burgess/paintyourdragon for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Mario Bros-inspired coin sound for Adafruit Trinket & Gemma. Requires piezo speaker between pins 0 & 1, vibration sensor or momentary button between pin 2 & GND. Tap for "bling!" noise. Optional LED+resistor on pin 4 for light during play. Runs equally well on a 16 MHz or 8 MHz Trinket, or on Gemma. Use what you've got, no need to get all HOMG MOAR MEGAHURTZ!!1! about it. :) This is NOT good beginner code to learn from...there's very little resemblance to a "normal" Arduino sketch as we poke around with ATtiny peripheral registers directly; will NOT run on other Arduino boards. Commented like mad regardless, might discover fun new stuff. Written by Phillip Burgess for Adafruit Industries. Public domain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <avr/power.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> // These variables are declared 'volatile' because their values may change // inside interrupts, independent of the mainline code. This keeps the // optimizer from removing lines it would otherwise regard as unnecessary. // 'quietness' is basically the inverse of volume -- the code was a little // smaller expressing it this way. 0 = max volume, 127 = quietest. // 'count' is incremented while generating a square wave. Used for timing, // and bit 0 indicates whether this is the 'high' or 'low' part of the wave. volatile uint8_t quietness; volatile uint16_t count; // ONE-TIME INITIALIZATION ----------------------------------------------- void setup() { #if (F_CPU == 16000000L) clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); #endif // ATtiny85 has a special high-speed 64 MHz PLL mode than can be used // as an input to Timer/Counter 1. The ATmega chips don't have this! // Requires a little song and dance to set this up... PLLCSR |= _BV(PLLE); // Enable 64 MHz PLL delayMicroseconds(100); // Allow time to stabilize while(!(PLLCSR & _BV(PLOCK))); // Wait for it...wait for it... PLLCSR |= _BV(PCKE); // Timer1 source = PLL! // Enable Timer/Counter 1 PWM, OC1A & !OC1A output pins, 1:1 prescale. GTCCR = TIMSK = 0; // Timer interrupts OFF OCR1C = 255; // 64M/256 = 250 KHz OCR1A = 127; // 50% duty at start = off TCCR1 = _BV(PWM1A) | _BV(COM1A0) | _BV(CS10); // Normally the Arduino core library uses Timer/Counter 1 for functions // like delay(), millis(), etc. Having changed the cycle time above, // and turning off the overflow interrupt, these functions won't work // after this. Keeping track of time is our own responsibility now. // The Timer/Counter 1 PWM output doesn't time the output square wave; // the frequency (250 KHz) is much too fast for that. Rather, the // speaker itself physically acts as a filter, with the average duty // cycle determining the cone position; center=off, 0,255=extremes. // A separate timer (using the actual sound frequency) then toggles the // duty cycle to adjust amplitude, providing volume control... // Configure Timer/Counter 0 for PWM (no interrupt enabled yet). TCCR0A = _BV(WGM01) | _BV(WGM00); // PWM mode // An external interrupt (INT0, pin 2 pulled to GND) wakes the chip // from sleep mode to play the sound. MCUCR &= ~(_BV(ISC01) | _BV(ISC00)); // Low level (GND) trigger } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { // To maximize power savings, pins are set to inputs with pull-up // resistors enabled (except for pins 1&4, because LEDs). DDRB = B00000000; PORTB = B00101101; // The chip is then put into a very low-power sleep mode... power_all_disable(); // All peripherals off GIMSK |= _BV(INT0); // Enable external interrupt set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // Deepest sleep sleep_mode(); // Stop, will resume here on wake // Code resumes when pin 2 is pulled to GND (e.g. button press). GIMSK &= ~_BV(INT0); // Disable external interrupt // Only the two timer/counters are re-enabled on wake. All other // peripheras remain off for power saving. This means no ADC, I2C, etc. power_timer0_enable(); power_timer1_enable(); DDRB = B00010011; // Output on pins 0,1 (piezo speaker), 4 (LED) PORTB = B00010000; // LED on // Play first note. B5 = 987.77 Hz (round up to 988) pitch(988); // Sets up Timer/Counter 1 for this frequency // The pitch() function configures the timer for 2X the frequency, an // interrupt then alternates between the 'high' and 'low' parts of the // square wave. 988 Hz = 1976 interrupts/sec. 'count' keeps track. // First note is 0.083 sec. 1976 * 0.083 = 164 interrupt counts. // Combined length of notes is 0.92 sec, or 1818 interrupt counts at // this frequency. The amplitude (volume) fades linearly through the // duration of both notes. So this calculates the portion of that drop // through the first note... while(count < 164) quietness = 128L * count / 1818; // This uses fixed-point (integer) math, because floating-point is slow // on the AVR and uses lots of program space. A large integer multiply // (32-bit intermediate result) precedes an integer division, result is // effectively equal to floating-point multiply of 128.0 * 0.0 to 1.0. pitch(1319); // Init second note. E6 = 1318.51 Hz, round up to 1319. // 1319 Hz tone = 2638 Hz interrupt. To maintain the duration and make // the volume-scaling math continue from the prior level, counts need to // be adjusted to take this timing change into account. The total // length at this rate would be 2638 * 0.92 = 2427 counts, and first // note duration would have been 2638 * 0.083 = 219 counts... count = 219; // Rather than counting up to the duration, just keep playing until the // effective volume is zero. do { quietness = 128L * count / 2427; } while(quietness < 127); // Finished playing both notes. Disable the timer interrupt... TIMSK = 0; // Before finishing, the piezo speaker is eased in a controlled manner // from the volume-neutral position (127) to its off position (0) in // order to avoid an audible 'pop' when the code goes to sleep. for(uint8_t i=127; i--; ) { OCR1A = i; // Speaker position for(volatile uint16_t x = F_CPU/32000; --x; ); // Easy, not too fast } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // These tables list available timer/counter prescaler values and their // configuration bit settings. Normally I'd PROGMEM these, but for these // short tables the code actually compiles a little smaller this way! const uint16_t prescale[] = { 1, 8, 64, 256, 1024 }; const uint8_t tccr[] = { _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS00), _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS01), _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS01) | _BV(CS00), _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS02), _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS02) | _BV(CS00), }; // Configure Timer/Counter 0 for the requested frequency void pitch(uint16_t freq) { uint8_t i; uint16_t f2 = freq << 1; // 2X frequency uint32_t o; // Find CPU prescale that can accommodate requested frequency for(i=0; i < (sizeof(prescale) / sizeof(prescale[0])) && (o = (((F_CPU / (uint32_t)prescale[i]) + freq) / (uint32_t)f2) - 1) >= 256L; i++); TCCR0B = tccr[i]; // Prescale config bits OCR0A = (uint8_t)o; // PWM interval for 2X freq count = 0; // Reset waveform counter TIMSK = _BV(OCIE0A); // Enable compare match interrupt } // TIMER0_OVF vector is already claimed by the Arduino core library, // can't use that. So the compare vector is used instead... ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { // Bit 0 of count indicates high or low side of square wave. // OCR1A sets average speaker pos, quietness adjusts amplitude. OCR1A = (count++ & 1) ? 255 - quietness : quietness; }
From the Tools→Board menu, select Adafruit Trinket 8 MHz or Adafruit Gemma as appropriate. Connect the USB cable between the computer and board, press the reset button, then click the upload button (right arrow icon) in the Arduino IDE. In a moment you should get a light show from the LEDs. (If it doesn’t, check your wiring against the schematics. If the code refuses to compile, most likely the TinyWireM library isn’t correctly installed, or the anim.h file is mis-named.)
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