Trinket:LEDs: 4 and GND Vibration: 2 and GND Piezo: 0(-) 1(+)
LiPoly backpack: 5v to USB+ G to GND BAT to BAT+ |
Gemma:LEDs: 0(-) 1(+) Vibration: 2 and GND Piezo: 0 (-) 1 (+)
LiPoly backpack 5v to Vout G to GND BAT to 3vo |
Two connections will be made on the back of the Trinket, using one of the pads for the optional JST connector.
Measure Wires
Lay the LiPoly backpack on top of the Trinket and cut each wire so that they are just long enough reach the through-holes on the Trinket.
Prepare LiPoly backpack
Use a filing tool to remove the trace to the battery output line to enable use with a slide switch.
Solder LiPoly wires
Add a slide switch to each pin of the battery output line. Tin the pins for the LiPoly backpack and add the wires that will connect it to the Trinket.
Prepare Vibration sensor
Bend the thicker pin of the vibration sensor so that it curves level to the outer cylinder.
Align Vibration sensor to Trinket
Use a small amount of tac to hold the vibration sensor in place while aligning the pins to the pads on the back of the Trinket.
This makes it easier to solder the LED wires on top of the Trinket.
(Photo shows a single LED…later it was decided that two LEDs in parallel worked better. See diagram at the top of this page for wiring. Later photos show placement of two LEDs.)
Solder LEDs
Measure the length needed to fully diffuse the insde of the case. LEDs have a specific polarity…+ should go to pin #4, – should go to GND. Two should be used in parallel (see diagram at the top of this page)…it should be possible to fit two wires into each hole on the Trinket.
Light pollution
Use strips of black tape to help clear the enclosure of any red or green lights from the LiPoly and Trinket LEDs.
Coil piezo wires
To fit the circuit inside the tight space, coil the the piezo wires inside of the standoffs for the Trinket.
Mount Trinket
Use one more #2 56 phillips screw to securly mount the Trinket to inside of the enclosure.
Insert slide switch
Use curved tipped tweezers to insert the slide switch into the two clips near the top.
Position LEDs
Test that the diffustion is even by moving the two LEDs around in the enslosure until the lighting is even.
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