So... here it is - an autonomous micro rover based on Trinket.
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When I started designing the rover, I ran into a significant obstacle trying to find inexpensive tracks / treads. I had some success 3D printing ones with flexible filament but the total cost was too high.
That's when I stumbled into these... 'chain bracelets' from Oriental Trading. You can buy a dozen for less than ten dollars; which will make six rovers.
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Servo horns are typically white or black... grab one, and trim it to fit.
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You'll have to decide on what combination of distance sensor + microcontroller you want to use. I've tried them all, and found the following configurations to work well.
Of all the sensors that I tried, the Parallax Ping))) was the easiest to use with Trinket. All you need is GND, VCC, and 1-pin for measurement.
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#include <Adafruit_SoftServo.h> #define SERVO1PIN 0 // Servo control line (orange) on Trinket Pin #0 #define SERVO2PIN 1 // Servo control line (orange) on Trinket Pin #1 Adafruit_SoftServo servo_left, servo_rght; // Connect the sonar signal pin to this pin on the Trinket. const int sonar = 2; // Moderate speed forward for both servos. Given the orientation of the servos // one will be going forward, and the other backward. You may need to adjust // these slightly to get the rover to move straight forward. const int left_speed = 75; const int rght_speed = 90; // Number in cm when the rover will reverse and try to navigate around. const int obstacle = 8; // Multiplier used to determine how far the rover will back-up. const int back_track = 100; // Duration of a ping, distance in inches, distance converted to cm. long duration, inches, cm; void setup() { // Attach servos... and off we go! servo_left.attach(SERVO1PIN); servo_rght.attach(SERVO2PIN); } void loop() { // Setting servos in forward motion. servo_left.write(left_speed - cm); servo_left.refresh(); servo_rght.write(rght_speed + cm); servo_rght.refresh(); delay(15); // establish variables for duration of the ping, and the distance // result in inches and centimeters. duration = 0; inches = 0; cm = 0; // The PING))) is triggered by a HIGH pulse of 2 or more microseconds. // Give a short LOW pulse beforehand to ensure a clean HIGH pulse: pinMode(sonar, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sonar, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(sonar, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(sonar, LOW); // The same pin is used to read the signal from the PING))): a HIGH // pulse whose duration is the time (in microseconds) from the sending // of the ping to the reception of its echo off of an object. pinMode(sonar, INPUT); duration = pulseIn(sonar, HIGH); // convert the time into a distance. inches = microsecondsToInches(duration); cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); // Long distances will cause the servos to misbehave... cap at 50 cm. if ( cm > 50 ) { cm = 50; } if ( cm < obstacle ) { // back_track * delay(15) = distance the rover will back-up during // obstacle avoidance. for (int i = 0; i < back_track; i++) { // Magic numbers... will always backup the same direction. Can you // think of a better way to navigate obstacles? servo_left.write(150); servo_left.refresh(); servo_rght.write(50); servo_rght.refresh(); delay(15); } } } long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds) { // According to Parallax's datasheet for the PING))), there are // 73.746 microseconds per inch (i.e. sound travels at 1130 feet per // second). This gives the distance travelled by the ping, outbound // and return, so we divide by 2 to get the distance of the obstacle. // See: return microseconds / 74 / 2; } long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) { // The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter. // The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the // object we take half of the distance travelled. return microseconds / 29 / 2; }
#include <Adafruit_SoftServo.h> #define SERVO1PIN 0 // Servo control line (orange) on Trinket Pin #0 #define SERVO2PIN 1 // Servo control line (orange) on Trinket Pin #1 Adafruit_SoftServo servo_left, servo_rght; // Connect the sonar signal pin to this pin on the Trinket. const int sonar = 2; // Moderate speed forward for both servos. Given the orientation of the servos // one will be going forward, and the other backward. You may need to adjust // these slightly to get the rover to move straight forward. const int left_speed = 75; const int rght_speed = 90; // Number in cm when the rover will reverse and try to navigate around. const int obstacle = 8; // Multiplier used to determine how far the rover will back-up. const int back_track = 100; // Duration of a ping, distance in inches, distance converted to cm. long duration, inches, cm; void setup() { // Attach servos... and off we go! servo_left.attach(SERVO1PIN); servo_rght.attach(SERVO2PIN); } void loop() { // Setting servos in forward motion. servo_left.write(left_speed - cm); servo_left.refresh(); servo_rght.write(rght_speed + cm); servo_rght.refresh(); delay(15); // establish variables for duration of the ping, and the distance // result in inches and centimeters. duration = 0; inches = 0; cm = 0; // The PING))) is triggered by a HIGH pulse of 2 or more microseconds. // Give a short LOW pulse beforehand to ensure a clean HIGH pulse: pinMode(sonar, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sonar, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(sonar, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(sonar, LOW); // The same pin is used to read the signal from the PING))): a HIGH // pulse whose duration is the time (in microseconds) from the sending // of the ping to the reception of its echo off of an object. pinMode(sonar, INPUT); duration = pulseIn(sonar, HIGH); // convert the time into a distance. inches = microsecondsToInches(duration); cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); // Long distances will cause the servos to misbehave... cap at 50 cm. if ( cm > 50 ) { cm = 50; } if ( cm < obstacle ) { // back_track * delay(15) = distance the rover will back-up during // obstacle avoidance. for (int i = 0; i < back_track; i++) { // Magic numbers... will always backup the same direction. Can you // think of a better way to navigate obstacles? servo_left.write(150); servo_left.refresh(); servo_rght.write(50); servo_rght.refresh(); delay(15); } } } long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds) { // According to Parallax's datasheet for the PING))), there are // 73.746 microseconds per inch (i.e. sound travels at 1130 feet per // second). This gives the distance travelled by the ping, outbound // and return, so we divide by 2 to get the distance of the obstacle. // See: return microseconds / 74 / 2; } long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) { // The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter. // The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the // object we take half of the distance travelled. return microseconds / 29 / 2; }
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