You will want to run the sketch twice, once to set the clock, another to have it operate. The code in setup() checking for rtc.isrunning() should be uncommented. This will set the clock to the time your code is compiled. You can then recomment out that code as the DS1307 will keep the time.
If you plan to have the code function differently than the sample or have problems you want to debug, having a serial monitor will help. I have tried the SendOnlySoftwareSerial library available in this post with good results. It adds about 1300 bytes of overhead so you will want to comment out the serial code in your sketch when you do not need it.
If you plan to have the code function differently than the sample or have problems you want to debug, having a serial monitor will help. I have tried the SendOnlySoftwareSerial library available in this post with good results. It adds about 1300 bytes of overhead so you will want to comment out the serial code in your sketch when you do not need it.
// Adafruit Trinket analog meter clock // Date and time functions using a DS1307 RTC connected via I2C and the Wire lib // // Version 2.0 February 2016 to use new Arduino 1.6.7+ IDE and Wire library // Mike Barela for Adafruit Industries // Download the RTClib library from Adafruit's Github repository and // install in your Arduino Libraries directory #include <RTClib.h> //For debug, uncomment serial code, use a FTDI Friend with its RX pin connected to Pin 3 // You will need a terminal program (such as freeware PuTTY for Windows) set to the // USB port of the FTDI friend at 9600 baud. Uncomment out Serial commands to see what's up //#include <SendOnlySoftwareSerial.h> // See #define HOUR_PIN 1 // Hour display via PWM on Trinket GPIO #1 #define MINUTE_PIN 4 // Minute display via PWM on Trinket GPIO #4 (via Timer 1 calls) //SendOnlySoftwareSerial Serial(3); // Serial transmission on Trinket Pin 3 RTC_DS1307 rtc; // Set up real time clock void setup () { pinMode(HOUR_PIN, OUTPUT); // define PWM meter pins as outputs pinMode(MINUTE_PIN, OUTPUT); PWM4_init(); // Set timer 1 to work PWM on Trinket Pin 4 rtc.begin(); // Begin DS1307 real time clock //Serial.begin(9600); // Begin Serial Monitor at 9600 baud if (! rtc.isrunning()) { //Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!"); // following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled //rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__)); } } void loop () { uint8_t hourvalue, minutevalue; uint8_t hourvoltage, minutevoltage; DateTime now =; // Get the RTC info hourvalue = now.hour(); // Get the hour if(hourvalue > 12) hourvalue -= 12; // This clock is 12 hour, is 13-24, convert to 1-12 minutevalue = now.minute(); // Get the minutes // if you have calibration issues, you can change the last two values (zero higher, 255 lower) // to have the needle move less if your scale is not pasted on 100% straight or // if you decide to use different meters from the Adafruit products. hourvoltage = map(hourvalue, 0, 12, 0, 255); // Convert hour to PWM duty cycle minutevoltage = map(minutevalue, 0, 60, 0, 255); // Convert minutes to PWM duty cycle /* // Uncomment out this and other serial code to check that your clock is working. Serial.print(now.year(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.month(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(, DEC); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.second(), DEC); Serial.print(" - "); Serial.print(hourvoltage, DEC); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(minutevoltage, DEC); Serial.println(); */ analogWrite(HOUR_PIN, hourvoltage); analogWrite4(minutevoltage); // code to put the processor to sleep might be preferable - we will delay delay(5000); // check time every 5 seconds. You can change this. } void PWM4_init() { // Set up PWM on Trinket GPIO #4 (PB4, pin 3) using Timer 1 TCCR1 = _BV (CS10); // no prescaler GTCCR = _BV (COM1B1) | _BV (PWM1B); // clear OC1B on compare OCR1B = 127; // duty cycle initialize to 50% OCR1C = 255; // frequency } // Function to allow analogWrite on Trinket GPIO #4 void analogWrite4(uint8_t duty_value) { OCR1B = duty_value; // duty may be 0 to 255 (0 to 100%) }
PWM on Pin 4
Trinket tinkers have noted that the analogWrite function will initiate pulse width modulation on pins #0 and #1 but not pin #4 (although the pin is PWM capable). The Arduino IDE does not set it up seamlessly. Function PWM4_init in the code above sets up the ATTiny85 Timer 1 to provide PWM at 50% duty cycle initially. Calls to the new function analogWrite4 will vary the PWM as desired. Using Timer 1 for PWM takes away its use for other things but for the clock project, it is not needed elsewhere. Just be sure some other code or library is not expecting to use it. This has now been posted to Google+ and the Adafruit Trinket forum for other uses.Page last edited October 13, 2013
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