Preparing Your Trinket
Be sure you have a 3 volt Trinket or Gemma. Follow the Introducing Trinket or Introducing Gemma tutorials rather carefully to ensure your Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is set up.
Remember you must press the hardware reset button on the Trinket / Gemma then quickly press upload in the Arduino software to upload a sketch. If you get an error, try the reset-upload process again. If you continually cannot load the blink sketch, check to make sure the Trinket / Gemma is connected (without any wires connected to pins #3 and #4) and the Arduino IDE software has all the required changes. This project does not use pins 3 and 4, they are shared with the USB connector (Gemma does not have these pins).
The following uses PWM for the eye brightness. Controlling the counter which helps random blinks still uses hardware Timer 1. A random functionality could be used but would not give as nice a "randomness" and possibly not be timed right given all that is going on with the state machine.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Mikey Sklar for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /* Name: Blinking Eyes - based on code by Brad Blumenthal, MAKE Magazine License: GPLv3 Modified for 8 MHz ATTiny85 and low light photocell October 2013 for Adafruit Learning System */ #define SENSITIVITY 550 // photocell sensitivity (changeable) #define CELL_PIN 1 // CdS Photocell voltage divider on // Trinket GPIO #2 (A1), Gemma D1/A1 uint8_t eyes_open; volatile uint8_t blink_count; volatile uint8_t blink_flag; volatile uint8_t tick_flag; volatile uint8_t getting_brighter = 0; const uint8_t min_bright=16; const uint8_t max_bright=128; volatile uint8_t brightness; uint8_t lfsr; // Linear Feedback Shift Register const uint8_t min_blink = 64u; // don't blink more than once every 3 secs or so void setup() { pinMode(0, OUTPUT); // Eyes set as output pinMode(2, INPUT); // Photocell as input analogWrite(0, max_bright); analogWrite(1, max_bright); // Light eyes eyes_open = 1; blink_flag = 0; lfsr = random(100); // initialize "blinking" blink_count = max(blink_count, min_blink); lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 1u) & 0xF0u); // pseudorandom blinking // Timer1 set to CK/1024 ~10 (8) hZ at 8 MHz clock rate for blinking action TCCR1 |= _BV(CS13) | _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10); TIMSK |= _BV(TOIE1); // Enable Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt } void loop() { uint16_t photocell; photocell = analogRead(CELL_PIN); if(photocell > SENSITIVITY) { // if too light, shut down eyes until it gets darker on photocell tick_flag=0; analogWrite(0,0); // Turn off eyes if too light out } if (tick_flag) { // if too bright or we've counted enough ticks (clocks for blink) tick_flag = 0; if (blink_flag) { blink_flag = 0; if (eyes_open) { eyes_open = 0; analogWrite(0,0); // Turn off eyes by stopping PWM blink_count = (lfsr & 0x01) + 1; // off for 1-2 ticks } else { eyes_open = 1; analogWrite(0,brightness); // Turn eyes on blink_count = max(blink_count, min_blink); lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 1u) & 0xF0u); // regenerate pseudorandom blink } } else { // One "tick," but we didn't blink... work on brightness control if (getting_brighter) { brightness += 2; // increase brightness analogWrite(0, brightness); if (brightness >= max_bright) getting_brighter = 0; } else { brightness -= 2; // decrease brightness analogWrite(0, brightness); if (brightness <= min_bright) getting_brighter = 1; } } } } ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) { // Every 64 times a second, check blink noInterrupts(); tick_flag = 1; blink_count--; if (!blink_count) { blink_flag = 1; } interrupts(); }
The Arduino code compiles to 1626 bytes.
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