Install Powerboost 500C
Insert and fasten a #4-40 3/8 flat Phillips machine screw into the top enclosure with the single hole on the side - don't fasten all the way, just until it gets through the stand off.
Place the powerboost 500C PCB into the top enclosure part and line up the mounting hole with stand off. The micro USB charging port should be facing towards the cut out.
Mounted Powerboost 500C
The PCB is mounted to the top enclosure part with a single screw. Fasten the screw all the way until it's flush with the enclosure.
Prep Display
Peel back the corner of the protective cover - this makes it easier to remove once its installed.
Insert four #4-40 3/8 flat Phillips screws into the 3.5" PiTFT mounting tabs with the screw going through the blue PCB side.
Install Display
Place the 3.5" PiTFT into the top enclosure part with the screen facing the large cut out. The GPIO socket should be near the powerboost 500C.
Line up the tabs with the stand offs and mounting holes. Fasten the four screws until they secure the display to the enclosure - Don't fasten all the way, it will start pushing the screen away from the enclosure.
Connect Powerboost 500C to 3.5" PiTFT
Plug in the negative jumper wire to GPIO #6 on the 3.5" PiTFT GPIO. Connect the postive jumper to GPIO #2.
Install slide switch
Place the slide switch into the cut out with two clips. Wrap the wiring around the socket header and through the GPIO pins. Insert the slide switch into place.
Connect Battery
Plug in the JST connector from the 2500mAh battery into the JST port on the Powerboost 500C.
Place the battery on top of the 3.5" PiTFT away from the GPIO socket and header.
Installed Battery
The 2500mAh lipo battery can rest over the wiring. The JST cable is behind the slide switch in this case. The battery should stay in place once the Raspberry Pi A+ is plugged in.
Install screws
Insert four #4-40 3/8 flat Phillips into the bottom enclosure part. Fasten until the screw threads are protruding through the stand off.
Install Pi A+
Place the Raspberry Pi A+ on top of the enclosure part with the mount holes lined up with the stand offs. Ensure the Pi is oriented with the ports facing the cut outs.
Page last edited January 19, 2015
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