Todbot's General Python Tricks
These are general Python tips that may be useful in CircuitPython.
blank_array = [0] * 50 # creats 50-element list of zeros
Storing multiple values per list entry
Create simple data structures as config to control your program. Unlike Arduino, you can store multiple values per list/array entry.
mycolors = ( # color val, name (0x0000FF, "blue"), (0x00FFFF, "cyan"), (0xFF00FF, "purple"), ) for i in range(len(mycolors)): (val, name) = mycolors[i] print("my color ", name, "has the value", val)
import sys print(sys.modules.keys()) # 'dict_keys([])' import board import neopixel import adafruit_dotstar print(sys.modules.keys()) prints "dict_keys(['neopixel', 'adafruit_dotstar'])"
a = 123 b = 'hello there' my_globals = sorted(dir) print(my_globals) # prints "['__name__', 'a', 'b']" if 'a' in my_globals: print("you have a variable named 'a'!") if 'c' in my_globals: print("you have a variable named 'c'!")
Display the running CircuitPython release
With an established serial connection, press Ctrl+c
Adafruit CircuitPython 7.1.1 on 2022-01-14; S2Pico with ESP32S2-S2FN4R2 >>>
Without connection or code running, check the boot_out.txt file in your CIRCUITPY drive.
import os print(os.uname().release) '7.1.1' print(os.uname().version) '7.1.1 on 2022-01-14'
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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