Now that we know what values of gravity we may want to try with the board, we need to figure out how many and which pitches we want from 1 G (The board tilted all the way forwards) to -1G (The board tilted all the way backwards).
In this project, I decided to make the pitches all in the C major scale or "key signature" however the beauty with programming is you may change the pitches to what ever key or crazy pattern you'd like.
The notes in the C major scale are quite simply all the white notes from C up to B. More about the C major scale and key signature here.
Let's say we want 8 pitches, the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, then the high C.
With 8 pitches we will put 4 in the negative x direction (tilting back) and 4 in the positive x direction (tilting forward).
Rather than starting at -1000 mg for the low C I decided to start at -775mg because it gave more control and room to play without really having to twist my arm to play the lowest or highest notes.
Starting at -775mg for the low C and ending at 775mg for the high C will be the range we will program all the other pitches in between. Each pitch will have a range of 225mg.
With that said let's map out the logic for when we want each pitch to be played:
Tilted backward:
- Low C will be played when acceleration in the x direction is less than -775mg (Tilted all the way backward)
- Low D will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than -775mg but less than -550mg
- Low E will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than -550mg but less than -225mg
- Low F will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than -225mg but less than 0mg
Tilted forward:
- Low G will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than 0mg but less than 225mg
- Low A will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than 225mg but less than 550mg
- Low B will be played when acceleration in the x direction is greater than 550mg but less than 775mg
- High C will be played acceleration in the x direction is more than 775mg (Tilted all the way forward)
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