Next up, network traffic. Precious precious internet. How fast are the 1's and 0's going up and down the pipe? How much in total have gone up and down the pipe? With this example, we track both of these.
There's no easy way to pre-determine your max bandwidth. Therefore you may want to adjust the ylim
values and the divisors in update_data()
if you find the data too squished or going off the chart.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time from collections import deque import psutil # Blinka CircuitPython import board import digitalio import adafruit_rgb_display.ili9341 as ili9341 # Matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Python Imaging Library from PIL import Image #pylint: disable=bad-continuation #==| User Config |======================================================== REFRESH_RATE = 1 HIST_SIZE = 61 PLOT_CONFIG = ( #-------------------- # PLOT 1 (upper plot) #-------------------- { 'title' : 'RATE (MBPS)', 'ylim' : (0, 1), 'line_config' : ( {'color' : '#AAFF00', 'width' : 2}, # sent {'color' : '#00AAFF', 'width' : 2}, # recv ) }, #-------------------- # PLOT 2 (lower plot) #-------------------- { 'title' : 'TOTAL (GB)', 'ylim' : (0, 1), 'line_config' : ( {'color' : '#AAFF00', 'width' : 2}, # sent {'color' : '#00AAFF', 'width' : 2}, # recv ) } ) def update_data(): ''' Do whatever to update your data here. General form is: y_data[plot][line].append(new_data_point) ''' # get two data points net_start = psutil.net_io_counters() time.sleep(REFRESH_RATE) net_finish = psutil.net_io_counters() # rate is d()/dt BPS_sent = (net_finish.bytes_sent - net_start.bytes_sent) / REFRESH_RATE BPS_recv = (net_finish.bytes_recv - net_start.bytes_recv) / REFRESH_RATE y_data[0][0].append(BPS_sent / 1e6) y_data[0][1].append(BPS_recv / 1e6) # total is just last y_data[1][0].append(net_finish.bytes_sent / 1e9) y_data[1][1].append(net_finish.bytes_recv / 1e9) #==| User Config |======================================================== #pylint: enable=bad-continuation # Setup X data storage x_time = [x * REFRESH_RATE for x in range(HIST_SIZE)] x_time.reverse() # Setup Y data storage y_data = [ [deque([None] * HIST_SIZE, maxlen=HIST_SIZE) for _ in plot['line_config']] for plot in PLOT_CONFIG ] # Setup display disp = ili9341.ILI9341(board.SPI(), baudrate = 24000000, cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D4), dc = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5), rst = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D6)) # Setup plot figure'dark_background') fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(disp.width / 100, disp.height / 100)) # Setup plot axis ax[0].xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) for plot, a in enumerate(ax): # add grid to all plots a.grid(True, linestyle=':') # limit and invert x time axis a.set_xlim(min(x_time), max(x_time)) a.invert_xaxis() # custom settings if 'title' in PLOT_CONFIG[plot]: a.set_title(PLOT_CONFIG[plot]['title'], position=(0.5, 0.8)) if 'ylim' in PLOT_CONFIG[plot]: a.set_ylim(PLOT_CONFIG[plot]['ylim']) # Setup plot lines #pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name plot_lines = [] for plot, config in enumerate(PLOT_CONFIG): lines = [] for index, line_config in enumerate(config['line_config']): # create line line, = ax[plot].plot(x_time, y_data[plot][index]) # custom settings if 'color' in line_config: line.set_color(line_config['color']) if 'width' in line_config: line.set_linewidth(line_config['width']) if 'style' in line_config: line.set_linestyle(line_config['style']) # add line to list lines.append(line) plot_lines.append(lines) def update_plot(): # update lines with latest data for plot, lines in enumerate(plot_lines): for index, line in enumerate(lines): line.set_ydata(y_data[plot][index]) # autoscale if not specified if 'ylim' not in PLOT_CONFIG[plot].keys(): ax[plot].relim() ax[plot].autoscale_view() # draw the plots canvas = plt.get_current_fig_manager().canvas plt.tight_layout() canvas.draw() # transfer into PIL image and display image = Image.frombytes('RGB', canvas.get_width_height(), canvas.tostring_rgb()) disp.image(image) print("looping") while True: update_data() update_plot() # update rate controlled in update_data()
Save that as and run it with:
and you should get something like:
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