Zelda Guardian Robot
Build your own Guardian Robot, Terrako from Zelda Age of Calamity. This is a shoulder-mounted companion robot!
Magnetic Shoulder Robot
Our companion robot sits on your shoulder with a magnetic plate and metal backing hidden underneath.
Circuit Python Powered
This little robot is powered by Circuit Python! Connect with a USB cable to update the code and recharge the battery!
The ItsyBitsy NRF52480 controls the servo, LEDs and is powered with a rechargeable Lipo battery.
Terrako – Guardian of Time
A tiny Guardian who has traveled from the future to save Zelda. It was broken in the fight against the Calamity but has now been repair and reactivated thanks to the efforts of Link and the others.
Components are housed in the body with built in on and off switch and USB port.
3D Printed
The parts are 3D Printed with an easy to assemble snap fit parts.
Magnets help attach the light weight body to a wearers shoulder!
Text editor powered by tinymce.