When you press the Setup button the clock will go into a series of audio prompts that allow you to change various features.
It will begin by saying "Entering Setup Mode… press up or down arrow to change each item or press right arrow to continue to next item."
Here is a description of each of the items in the order in which they are presented.
Audio Mode
The clock has the ability to reduce the audio volume during nighttime. You have 2 different ways of specifying what is considered "nighttime". One of them is "time-based". In this mode you will specify the hour in which daytime begins and the hour in which nighttime begins.
The other method is to use the photocell. The photocell takes a reading and if it is below a certain level of ambient light it is considered "nighttime". See the Advanced Configuration section for details on how to calibrate the photocell. The threshold is set in the program and cannot be changed without editing and recompiling. It is not changeable via the options menus.
The Audio Mode menu has 4 options: disabled, continuous, time-based, or light-based. In a later menu item you will be given a chance to set the daytime volume level. You have selected "Continuous" then this value is used all the time. If you have selected either "time-based" or "light-based" then you also be given an opportunity later to set a nighttime volume level. If you have not implemented the photocell option, you will not be giving the light-based option in the menu system.
Brightness Mode
Similar to Audio Mode, the brightness mode allows you to have different brightness levels for daytime or nighttime using the same two options either time-based or light based. There are three possible settings for Brightness Mode. They are constant, time-based, or light-based. The same definitions of daytime and nighttime whether they are time-based or light-based apply to both the Audio Mode and Brightness Mode.
Daytime Begins and Nighttime Begins
If you have selected time-based for either the Audio Mode or Brightness Mode you will next be given the options to set the start hour for daytime and nighttime. Pressing up or down arrows changes the hour. If you have not selected any time-based options then this section is skipped.
Daytime Volume Level
The next option is the daytime volume level. This is the default level if you have not defined a time-based or light-based Audio Mode so you will always be given this option. As you press the up or down arrows it gives you a numeric feedback of the value used. Note that the Music Maker Wing uses small numbers for high-volume and large numbers for low volume. You will be able to hear the volume level as you adjust it. Because it would take a long time to reach 255 which is the lowest volume level available, we have defined anything past 50 as being muted. The default value is 20 and we recommend not setting it no louder than 10 although it can go all the way to a maximum value of 1.
Nighttime Volume Level
If you have specified Audio Mode either time-based or light-based you will be given the option to set a nighttime volume level. Again up and down arrows change the value and you will be able to hear the volume level you have set. Lower numbers are louder and higher numbers are softer with limits of 50 through 1. If you have not selected one of these audio modes, this option is skipped.
Daytime Brightness Level
This allows you to adjust the brightness level of the NeoPixel display. This is the default if you have selected "continuous" Brightness Mode or it is the daytime level if you have selected time-based or light-based. You will hear a numeric value as well as visibly see the brightness change. Keep in mind that if you use extremely high brightness it will draw more current and may exceed the capacity of your power supply.
Nighttime Brightness Level
If you have selected a Brightness Mode of time-based or light-based then you will be given the option to select a nighttime brightness level. You are not only hear the numeric value but will be able to see the brightness level you are setting. If you have selected continuous Brightness Mode then this option is skipped.
Chimes Option
There are three settings for the chimes. They are disabled, Westminster, or cuckoo clock. Westminster chimes are patterned after those used by Big Ben in London England. At the quarter hour there are four notes. At the half-hour there are eight notes. At the three-quarter hour there are 12 notes and at the top of the hour the full 16 note melody is played as well as a gong counting the hour from 1 to 12. For more information on Westminster chimes see this article on Wikipedia. The other option is a cuckoo clock sound effect. There are no quarterly chimes for the cuckoo clock option. At the top of the hour you will hear a gong and a "cuckoo" sound effect for each hour from 1 to 12.
Voice Announcement
You can have the clock speak the current time at each of the four quarters of the hour. This feature can be enabled or disabled. Note that if it is disabled you can still get the clock to speak the current time whatever time it is by pressing the "Play" button.
Hourly Audio
You can enable or disable either the chimes and voice announcements that occur at the top of the hour by changing this option. Note this does not affect music playback. That is configured in a different option.
Quarterly Audio
You can enable or disable the chimes and voice announcements that occur at the four quarters of the hour. When using the Westminster chimes if you have Hourly Audio Enabled but Quarterly Audio Disabled then you will not hear the 16 note melody but you will get the hourly gongs from 1 to 12.
Animation Mode
You can have the NeoPixel display a pattern colors at the top of the hour. We have programmed in 12 different patterns. These three modes available are: disabled, sequential, and random. The sequential mode always displays the same pattern based on the hour. Random mode displays a random pattern. If you press the play button and this is either sequential or random you will also see the animation based on the hour at which press button.
Music Mode
You can have the clock play a musical clip at the top of the hour or when you press the play button. They are the files "music01.mp3" through "music12.mp3". We have selected brief clips from the Adafruit music album "Frequency" by Bartlebeats. This is the background music that Adafruit uses to introduce its YouTube videos and live streams. You can find the full album here https://bartlebeats.bandcamp.com/album/frequency or even order a vinyl version here. You can substitute your favorite MP3 files by renaming them and copying them to the SD card. For example you might want to put holiday music on at that time of the year. There are three modes for this: disabled, sequential, and random. Sequential plays the corresponding music clip based on current hour. Random plays a random clip. This also changes which musical clip is played when you press the play button.
Alarm Mode
You can set an alarm at any particular hour and minutes. The modes are enabled and disabled. If enabled, you will then be given the opportunity to set the alarm hour to any of 24 hours and minutes. When that particular hour is reached, the clock will play "alarm.mp3"
This completes the setup menu and you will hear a voice say "Setup completed".
Here is what the setup process looks like with debugging turned on and the serial monitor open. We skipped through all of the defaults until we got to the music mode and then returned it off.
Debug output ready. System Initialized Entering setup mode Press arrows to change or advance to next item Audio mode is currently time based. Brightness mode is constant. Daytime begins at:10 a.m. Nighttime begins at:10 p.m. Daytime volume:20 Nighttime volume:40 Daytime brightness:6 Chimes are Westminster chimes. Voice announcement enabled. Hourly audio is enabled. Quarterly audio is enabled. Animation mode is currently random. Music mode is currently random. Music mode is currently disabled. Alarm is enabled. Alarm hour is 7 a.m. Alarm minutes is 30 Setup completed
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