Four Oscillator Synthesizer
This final example will give you an idea of how to patch a more complex synthesizer that uses four waveform nodes, each initialized to a different waveform type.
These will each flow through a different envelope, and in some cases their own effects nodes.
Finally, we'll use multiple mixers to combine the sounds together.
To begin, replicate the patch shown above.
Most of it is pretty straightforward, with four waveforms each running through a respective envelope.
mixer1 is used to combine the four waveforms, with some of them running through effects first.
We then use a pair of mixers, mixerLeft and mixerRight to mix in the multiple taps of the delay, and then combine everything for stereo audioOut.
These are the relevant settings used to make this sounds come alive. (You can experiment with them once you've got it running later.)
We're setting up the four waveform nodes as sine, square, sawtooth, and triangle waves respectively.
wave0.begin(0.85, 50, WAVEFORM_SINE);
wave1.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_SQUARE);
wave2.begin(0.6, 50, WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH);
wave3.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE);
The envelopes are defined with the attack, hold, decay, sustain, and release settings. Our first row has a very soft attack and a long release:
The second oscillator has a quick attack and a moderate release:
The third oscillator is similar to the second with a longer release:
The fourth oscillator has a quick attack and moderately long release:
/* Audio library demonstration - pocket synth with C major scale and 4 wave types */ //each row is a different waveform, envelope, and effect set in major scale // row 0 sine, soft attack, long release ADSR // row 1 square, hard attack, moderate release, flanger effect // row 2 sawtooth, hard attack, soft release, chorus effect // row 3 triangle, medium attack, long release ADSR, multi tap delay #include <Audio.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4.h> Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4 trellis = Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4(); // Paste your Audio System Design Tool code below this line: // AudioSynthWaveform *waves[4] = { &wave0, &wave1, &wave2, &wave3, }; short wave_type[4] = { WAVEFORM_SINE, WAVEFORM_SQUARE, WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH, WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE, }; float cmaj_low[8] = { 130.81, 146.83, 164.81, 174.61, 196.00, 220.00, 246.94, 261.63 }; float cmaj_high[8] = { 261.6, 293.7, 329.6, 349.2, 392.0, 440.0, 493.9, 523.3 }; AudioEffectEnvelope *envs[4] = { &env0, &env1, &env2, &env3, }; int n_chorus = 5; #define CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH (400*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES) short chorusDelayline[CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH]; #define FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH (6*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES) short flangerDelayline[FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH]; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); //while (!Serial); trellis.begin(); trellis.setBrightness(255); AudioMemory(120); //Initialize the waveform nodes wave0.begin(0.85, 50, WAVEFORM_SINE); wave1.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_SQUARE); wave2.begin(0.6, 50, WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH); wave3.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); // reduce the gain on some channels, so half of the channels // are "positioned" to the left, half to the right, but all // are heard at least partially on both ears mixerLeft.gain(0, 0.3); mixerLeft.gain(1, 0.1); mixerLeft.gain(2, 0.5); mixerRight.gain(0, 0.3); mixerRight.gain(1, 0.5); mixerRight.gain(2, 0.1); // set envelope parameters, for pleasing sound :-) env0.attack(300); env0.hold(2); env0.decay(30); env0.sustain(0.6); env0.release(1200); env1.attack(10); env1.hold(2); env1.decay(30); env1.sustain(0.6); env1.release(400); env2.attack(10); env2.hold(20); env2.decay(30); env2.sustain(0.6); env2.release(1000); env3.attack(10); env3.hold(2); env3.decay(30); env3.sustain(0.6); env3.release(600); // set delay parameters delay1.delay(0, 110); delay1.delay(1, 660); delay1.delay(2, 220); delay1.delay(3, 1220); // set effects parameters chorus1.begin(chorusDelayline, CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH, n_chorus); flange1.begin(flangerDelayline, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH/4, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH/4, .5); Serial.println("setup done"); // Initialize processor and memory measurements AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset(); } void noteOn(int num){ int voice = num/8; float *scale; if(voice == 0 || voice == 1) scale = cmaj_low; else scale = cmaj_high; AudioNoInterrupts(); //waves[voice]->begin(.5, scale[num%8], wave_type[voice]); waves[voice]->frequency(scale[num%8]); envs[voice]->noteOn(); AudioInterrupts(); } void noteOff(int num){ int voice = num/8; envs[voice]->noteOff(); } void loop() { trellis.tick(); while(trellis.available()) { keypadEvent e =; int keyindex = e.bit.KEY; if(e.bit.EVENT == KEY_JUST_PRESSED){ //trellis.setPixelColor(keyindex, 0xFFFFFF); // plain white trellis.setPixelColor(keyindex, Wheel(keyindex * 255 / 32)); // rainbow! noteOn(keyindex); } else if(e.bit.EVENT == KEY_JUST_RELEASED){ noteOff(keyindex); trellis.setPixelColor(keyindex, 0); } } delay(10); } // Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value. // The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r. uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) { WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos; if(WheelPos < 85) { return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3); } if(WheelPos < 170) { WheelPos -= 85; return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3); } WheelPos -= 170; return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0); }
Now, export the source code snippet from the Audio System Design Tool and paste it into the section indicated in the Arduino sketch.
Save this code as Synth_Design_Tool_Demo_TrellisM4.ino and then upload it to the board.
This is what the final code looks like with the Audio System Design Tool GUI code added.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 John Park for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* Audio library demonstration - pocket synth with C major scale and 4 wave types */ //each row is a different waveform, envelope, and effect set in major scale // row 0 sine, soft attack, long release ADSR // row 1 square, hard attack, moderate release, flanger effect // row 2 sawtooth, hard attack, soft release, chorus effect // row 3 triangle, medium attack, long release ADSR, multi tap delay #include <Audio.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4.h> Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4 trellis = Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4(); // Paste your Audio System Design Tool code below this line: // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioSynthWaveform wave0; //xy=453.84613037109375,254.61540985107422 AudioSynthWaveform wave1; //xy=453.84613037109375,294.6154098510742 AudioSynthWaveform wave2; //xy=453.84613037109375,354.6154098510742 AudioSynthWaveform wave3; //xy=453.84613037109375,404.6154098510742 AudioEffectEnvelope env0; //xy=602.8461303710938,254.61540985107422 AudioEffectEnvelope env1; //xy=602.8461303710938,294.6154098510742 AudioEffectEnvelope env2; //xy=602.8461303710938,354.6154098510742 AudioEffectEnvelope env3; //xy=602.8461303710938,404.6154098510742 AudioEffectChorus chorus1; //xy=734.6796264648438,333.14093017578125 AudioEffectFlange flange1; //xy=737.7564392089844,284.6794891357422 AudioEffectDelay delay1; //xy=880.7692260742188,582.3077392578125 AudioMixer4 mixer1; //xy=882.3076171875,284.6154327392578 AudioMixer4 mixerLeft; //xy=1041.9999389648438,293.84617614746094 AudioMixer4 mixerRight; //xy=1045.0768432617188,394.6153869628906 AudioOutputAnalogStereo audioOut; //xy=1212.8461303710938,354.6154098510742 AudioConnection patchCord1(wave0, env0); AudioConnection patchCord2(wave1, env1); AudioConnection patchCord3(wave2, env2); AudioConnection patchCord4(wave3, env3); AudioConnection patchCord5(env0, 0, mixer1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord6(env1, flange1); AudioConnection patchCord7(env2, chorus1); AudioConnection patchCord8(env3, delay1); AudioConnection patchCord9(env3, 0, mixer1, 3); AudioConnection patchCord10(chorus1, 0, mixer1, 2); AudioConnection patchCord11(flange1, 0, mixer1, 1); AudioConnection patchCord12(delay1, 0, mixerLeft, 1); AudioConnection patchCord13(delay1, 1, mixerLeft, 2); AudioConnection patchCord14(delay1, 2, mixerRight, 1); AudioConnection patchCord15(delay1, 3, mixerRight, 2); AudioConnection patchCord16(mixer1, 0, mixerLeft, 0); AudioConnection patchCord17(mixer1, 0, mixerRight, 0); AudioConnection patchCord18(mixerLeft, 0, audioOut, 0); AudioConnection patchCord19(mixerRight, 0, audioOut, 1); // GUItool: end automatically generated code AudioSynthWaveform *waves[4] = { &wave0, &wave1, &wave2, &wave3, }; short wave_type[4] = { WAVEFORM_SINE, WAVEFORM_SQUARE, WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH, WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE, }; float cmaj_low[8] = { 130.81, 146.83, 164.81, 174.61, 196.00, 220.00, 246.94, 261.63 }; float cmaj_high[8] = { 261.6, 293.7, 329.6, 349.2, 392.0, 440.0, 493.9, 523.3 }; AudioEffectEnvelope *envs[4] = { &env0, &env1, &env2, &env3, }; int n_chorus = 5; #define CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH (400*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES) short chorusDelayline[CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH]; #define FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH (6*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES) short flangerDelayline[FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH]; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); //while (!Serial); trellis.begin(); trellis.setBrightness(255); AudioMemory(120); //Initialize the waveform nodes wave0.begin(0.85, 50, WAVEFORM_SINE); wave1.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_SQUARE); wave2.begin(0.6, 50, WAVEFORM_SAWTOOTH); wave3.begin(0.4, 50, WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE); // reduce the gain on some channels, so half of the channels // are "positioned" to the left, half to the right, but all // are heard at least partially on both ears mixerLeft.gain(0, 0.3); mixerLeft.gain(1, 0.1); mixerLeft.gain(2, 0.5); mixerRight.gain(0, 0.3); mixerRight.gain(1, 0.5); mixerRight.gain(2, 0.1); // set envelope parameters, for pleasing sound :-) env0.attack(300); env0.hold(2); env0.decay(30); env0.sustain(0.6); env0.release(1200); env1.attack(10); env1.hold(2); env1.decay(30); env1.sustain(0.6); env1.release(400); env2.attack(10); env2.hold(20); env2.decay(30); env2.sustain(0.6); env2.release(1000); env3.attack(10); env3.hold(2); env3.decay(30); env3.sustain(0.6); env3.release(600); // set delay parameters delay1.delay(0, 110); delay1.delay(1, 660); delay1.delay(2, 220); delay1.delay(3, 1220); // set effects parameters chorus1.begin(chorusDelayline, CHORUS_DELAY_LENGTH, n_chorus); flange1.begin(flangerDelayline, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH/4, FLANGER_DELAY_LENGTH/4, .5); Serial.println("setup done"); // Initialize processor and memory measurements AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset(); } void noteOn(int num){ int voice = num/8; float *scale; if(voice == 0 || voice == 1) scale = cmaj_low; else scale = cmaj_high; AudioNoInterrupts(); waves[voice]->frequency(scale[num%8]); envs[voice]->noteOn(); AudioInterrupts(); } void noteOff(int num){ int voice = num/8; envs[voice]->noteOff(); } void loop() { trellis.tick(); while(trellis.available()) { keypadEvent e =; int keyindex = e.bit.KEY; if(e.bit.EVENT == KEY_JUST_PRESSED){ trellis.setPixelColor(keyindex, Wheel(keyindex * 255 / 32)); // rainbow! noteOn(keyindex); } else if(e.bit.EVENT == KEY_JUST_RELEASED){ noteOff(keyindex); trellis.setPixelColor(keyindex, 0); } } delay(10); } // Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value. // The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r. uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) { WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos; if(WheelPos < 85) { return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3); } if(WheelPos < 170) { WheelPos -= 85; return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3); } WheelPos -= 170; return Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0); }
Now, you can play the synth! Each row plays a C major scale using a different oscillator waveform type or mix. Try playing notes on multiple rows to create chords.
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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