Test HDMI Display
The Raspberry Pi will run the setup script, install dependencies and boot into emulationstation. By default, the USB keyboard will be recongized and available for input config.
The aspect of the screen should cover the full display - If it doesn't, double-check your config.txt file and ensure the values are correct.
Setup Pi + Display
Let's connect the Pi and display to check the RetroPie image and config.txt file have been setup. If you haven't already, eject/remove the micro SD card from your computer and insert into the Raspberry Pi.
- Connect the 40-pin FPC ribbon wire from the 5" TFT display to the TFP401 display driver.
- Connect an HDMI cable from the TFP401 display driver to the Raspberry Pi.
- Connect a USB hub to the Raspberry Pi. Connect a USB keyboard and mouse to the USB hub. Insert a USB WiFi dongle to the USB hub.
- Connect a micro USB cable from your computer to the TFP401 display driver.
- Connect a micro USB cable from your 5V power supply to the Raspberry Pi.
- The Pi and TFP401 display driver will immediately power on upon pluggin in the micro USB connector.
Test RetroPie Emulationstation
With a micro USB cable plugged from your 5V power supply to the Raspberry Pi, it will power on and boot automatiically. Wait for the pi to boot and run the setup script. It will boot into Emulationstation.
Emulationstation will prompt you to configure the keyboard for game inputs. With a USB keyboard attached, set up your preferred controls by pressing keys as prompted.
Setup WiFi Adapter
Recent versions of RetroPie include a WiFi setup utility. From the main EmulationStation screen, access the RetroPie settings using whatever key you’ve assigned as the “A” button. You’ll see WIFI in this list:
Here you can select your WiFi network name and enter a password. It’s not beautiful, but gets the job done.
Select “Exit” when done to return to the EmulationStation UI…
With networking enabled, we can now access the remaining software needed for the PiGRRL 2 experience. There are a couple ways to do this…
BEST: Use an ssh terminal client to log into the Raspberry Pi at retropie.local
This is recommended, as you can just copy-and-paste the commands that follow. The default name and password are “pi” and “raspberry,” respectively. - OR: Press “F4” to exit EmulationStation for a command-line prompt (works, but you’ll need to type these commands exactly).
Adafruit Retrogame Setup
Open terminal command line on your computer to ssh into the Raspberry Pi.
continue? yespassword: raspberry
pi@raspberrypi ~$ []
Enter the following commands to download and run our retrogame setup script:
cd curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Raspberry-Pi-Installer-Scripts/master/retrogame.sh >retrogame.sh sudo bash retrogame.sh
You'll be presented with a list of ready-made configurations. Select the option for “Super Game Pi” and proceed with installation, which should take a minute or maybe less.
Unless you have other system config you want to perform, go ahead and reboot when prompted.
Now the Adafruit retrogame config is setup and ready for buttons. The only way to test if it worked is to connect buttons to the GPIO pins. On to the next steps!
Issues, Problems, Need Help?
If you encounter any technical problems with the Raspberry Pi software, components or otherwise, please post up your issue, including photos of your wiring on the Adafruit Forums. Our support team will be able to help you there.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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