If you are unfamiliar with programming the Trinket M0 with the Arduino IDE, you can get familiar with this board with the Introduction to the Adafruit Trinket M0 tutorial.
The code is pretty much as simple as the hardware. The falling/rising tone arrays contain a sequence of frequencies that are played in sequence by the chirp()
function. Which set of tones is played is decided based on the argument to chirp()
The check_rh()
function reads the sensor and compares the humidity with the target, allowing for +/- 5% variability. If the reading is low, -1 is returned, +1 if it's high, and 0 if it's in range.
The warn_if_out_of_range()
is passed the initial reading comparison result, and immediately returns if the reading was in range. If it was out of range it sounds the appropriate alarm, waits briefly, and checks again. This repeats until the reading is back in range (or the battery goes empty).
Being an Arduino sketch, there are the usual setup()
and loop()
functions. setup()
initializing things and calls warn_if_out_of_range()
. loop()
simply toggles the shutdown signal to the TPL5110 to put the system to sleep.
The result is that the system wakes up, and if the reading is in range goes immediately back to sleep. Otherwise it stays awake periodically sounding the alarm until it goes back in range.
The current code only looks at the relative humidity. The Si7021 can also provide temperature readings which could be useful if desired.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dave Astels for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Humidity Monitor // Copyright (C) 2017 Dave Astels // Released until the MIT license // // The trinket is controlled by an external Power Timer Breakout // (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3435) // 1. Every however often, the timer will power up the trinket which will run // this file. // 2. Relative humidity is checked // - if it's within range, the trinket tells the timer to shut it down and start // the timing cycle // - if it's out of range, it beeps & flashes the neopixel for 2 seconds, then // sleeps for 10 seconds, then goes to 2 #include "Adafruit_Si7021.h" #include <Adafruit_DotStar.h> #include <SPI.h> const unsigned long falling_tones[] = { 2000, 1980, 1960, 1940, 1920, 1900, 1880, 1860, 1840, 1820, 1800, 1780, 1760, 1740, 1720, 1700, 1680, 1660, 1640, 1620 }; const unsigned long rising_tones[] = { 2000, 2020, 2040, 2060, 2080, 3000, 3020, 3040, 3060, 3080, 4000, 4020, 4040, 4060, 4080, 5000, 5020, 5040, 5060, 5080 }; const int dotstar_data_pin = 7; const int dotstar_clock_pin = 8; const int sound_pin = 3; const int sleep_pin = 4; const int target_humidity = 61.0; const unsigned long alert_interval = 20000; const unsigned long alert_duration = 500; const unsigned long comparison_delay = alert_interval - alert_duration; const unsigned long number_of_freq_steps = 20; const unsigned long alert_freq_step_time = alert_duration / number_of_freq_steps; Adafruit_Si7021 sensor = Adafruit_Si7021(); //Adafruit_DotStar strip = Adafruit_DotStar(1, DOTSTAR_BRG); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sound the alert. void chirp(boolean direction) { const unsigned long *freqs = direction ? rising_tones : falling_tones; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_freq_steps; i++) { tone(sound_pin, freqs[i]); delay(alert_freq_step_time); } noTone(sound_pin); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Measure relative humidity and return whether it is under/in/over range. int check_rh() { float relative_humidity = sensor.readHumidity(); if (relative_humidity < (target_humidity - 5)) { return -1; } else if (relative_humidity > (target_humidity + 5)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Repeatedly check the humidity and light the neopixel and sound the buzzer as // appropriate, for as long as the reading is out of range. // Initial comparison result is passed in. void warn_if_out_of_range(int comparison) { while (comparison != 0) { chirp(comparison > 0); delay(comparison_delay); comparison = check_rh(); } } void setup() { pinMode(sleep_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(sleep_pin, LOW); // strip.setPixelColor(0, 0); // strip.show(); sensor.begin(); warn_if_out_of_range(check_rh()); } void loop() { digitalWrite(sleep_pin, HIGH); delay(50); digitalWrite(sleep_pin, LOW); delay(50); }
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