The diagram below provides a general visual reference for wiring of the components once you get to the Assembly page. This diagram was created using the software package Fritzing.
Adafruit Library for Fritzing
Adafruit uses the Adafruit's Fritzing parts library to create circuit diagrams for projects. You can download the library or just grab individual parts. Get the library and parts from GitHub - Adafruit Fritzing Parts.
Wired Connections
- VDD pin from TMC2209 to 3V pin on KB2040
- G pin from TMC2209 to GND pin on KB2040
- DIR pin from TMC2209 to D5 pin on KB2040
- STEP pin from TMC2209 to D6 pin on KB2040
- MS1 pin from TMC2209 to D2 pin on KB2040
- MS2 pin from TMC2209 D3 pin on KB2040
- EN pin from TMC2209 to D4 pin on KB2040
- Rotary STEMMA QT to KB2040
- 1.3in OLED to Rotary STEMMA QT
- B- (blue wire) from stepper motor to 2B pin on TMC2209
- B+ (red wire) from stepper motor to 2A pin on TMC2209
- A+ (black wire) from stepper motor to 1A pin on TMC2209
- A- (green wire) from stepper motor to 1B pin on TMC2209
- GND pin from MPM3601 to GND pin on KB2040
- 5V pin from MPM3601 to RAW pin on KB2040
- +DC Jack to VIN pin on MPM3601
- +DC Jack to + on TMC2209
- -DC Jack to - on TMC2209
- -DC Jack to GND pin on KB2040
The KB2040 and Stepper Motor are powered by a 12V 2A power supply.
Page last edited January 27, 2025
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