This guide shows you how to build your own soundboard. A soundboard is a set of buttons that will play sounds or music clips when the corresponding button is pressed.
This project uses the NeoTrellis M4 to create a soundboard capable of playing any 32 audio clips, and puts on a good light show at the same time too!
Soundboards are commonly used for sound effects or to select various pieces of dialog on command. They are sometimes used for pranks (as in this famous example), or by DJs to interject prerecorded sounds.
About the NeoTrellis M4
The NeoTrellis M4 is an all-in-one Audio board, ready to become your next synth, soundboard, drum machine, keyboard, or any other invention you'd like to adapt it for. It’s powered by the SAMD51, a Cortex M4 core running at 120 MHz, featuring a roomy 512KB of flash and 192KB of SRAM. A separate flash chip provides a full 8MB of space for files and audio clips.
On the front side is a 4x8 grid of elastomer button pads with a NeoPixel nestled in the center of each one. You can read any/all button presses simultaneously thanks to the fully diode'd matrix, and also set each button color to any of 24-bit colors.
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